Chapter Eleven.

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It was relatively late in the evening when Cristiano returned to the hotel suite. Training had been long and he longed for some good dinner. However Junior had thrown a fit- screaming that he wanted McDonald's, something that Mesut -who'd they ran into in the hotel lobby- had agreed with.
Long story short: Mesut had taken Junior to get a Happy Meal.

Cristiano sighed as he fell down on the sofa, his muscles ached like hell. It was nothing new, though, he'd live. A hot shower and a nice sport massage and he'd be good as new.

As he half sat- half laid on the sofa he searched the room for any sign that Arabella had actually come out of bed today, but couldn't find one. A frown sat on his face as he bit the inside of his cheek. Maybe he should check on her?

The Portuguese footballer tried not to snort as he thought about how much of a bad idea that was. The last time he had checked Arabella had said nothing and without warning had thrown a shoe at him. No, Cristiano knew better than to check on her. But then again, it was eerily quiet now that he came to think of it.

Cold sweat broke out all over his body as he scrambled to get to his feet. It was never a good sign if it was this quiet. Normally he would at least hear the creaking of the bed as she turned around in search of comfort, or hear her sniffle her nose, or even just a cough. Last time it was this quiet his entire bathroom floor had been covered in blood and Arabella had been closer to death than she should've been.

Cristiano rushed towards the woman's room, and without knocking burst through the door. The room was dimly lit by a bed light and when Cristiano registered what he was looking at all the air left his lunges and he stood frozen.

Now, let me tell you, Cristiano was prepared for a lot. A crying Arabella, a bleeding Arabella, a grumpy Arabella, a depressed Arabella. However, what Cristiano was not –in no way- prepared for, was a cuddling Arabella.

There, right in front of him, was Arabella laying on the bed together with a certain German goalie. Both seemed to be fast asleep, and both were clinging on to the other as if their life depended on it. Cristiano could make out signs of crying on both of their faces, and he would be blind if he didn't see they both looked like shit.

Not being able to keep a grin from forming on his lips once the shock subsided, Cristiano grabbed his phone. He quickly snapped a photo before tiptoeing backwards and softly, really softly, closing the door. Sniggering he walked back towards the living area of the suite, and sent the photo to Mesut.

Look what I found.

It didn't take long before Cristiano's phone buzzed, indicating a new message.


A few seconds later Cristiano received a second text.

Does this mean Marabella (or Manuella or Manubella haven't decided yet) are good?

Cristiano's fingers flew over the phone's keyboard before he sent his reply.

I don't know, they both look horrible.

Before Cristiano could even lock his phone another text from Mesut came in.

Meet me in my room, we have chicken nuggets if you want.

So that's what Cristiano did. He grabbed is key card on the way out and pulled the door shut before he made his way down to Mesuts room.


Manuel shot up  straight as he heard a loud bang. A frown played on his face as he looked around the room he was in. It took a few moments before he realised where he was.
However, when he did realise he looked to his left and found Arabella, her arms were still wrapped around his torso and she was still fast asleep.

With a heart racing faster than any human heart should Manuel pondered on what to do. He knew that leaving wouldn't be right, but he didn't want to hear Arabella say goodbye again. He knew that once Arabella would wake up she would tell him to leave and everything would go back to how they were a few hours ago, and Manuel did not want that.
However, he decided to lay down again. Once he got comfortable he pulled Arabella against him and his mind slipped into imagination land.

What if he would sleep like this every day? Arabella cuddled up to him and his mind at peace. They would get up in the morning and make breakfast together before Manuel would kiss her on the lips and leave for training.
Then, when he'd come back, he would be greated by a kiss and a hug. It sounded like a routine married couples fall in to, but it was a routine Manuel wanted more than anything. As he layed next to the sleeping girl he felt the happiest he had felt in a long time.

Arabella stirred in her sleep, only to find a more comfortable sleeping position.
Manuel couldn't stop a smile from dancing on his lips as Arabella layed her head on his shoulder with her face pressed into his neck. Her left arm crept upwards until her hand was on his chest before she grabbed a fist full of his sweatshirt.

After that she stopped moving and Manuel craned his neck to press his lips against her head.
It once more set a fire inside of him and he sighed. Maybe they could work it out, maybe there was a future of them together. But if not; atleast he had this to look back to.


"So they were just laying there?"
Cristiano smiled lightly as he watched his son sleeping on Mesuts bed before looking at the German player.

"Yep," he said, popping the 'p'. "This can either work out really good or end in a lot of tears. And I mean a lot."

"I hope they work it out, for both of their sakes," Mesut said before biting down on his last chicken nugget.

Cristiano made an agreeing sound, but didn't speak. Instead his mind wondered off to what could happen if this had only made things worse. He thought about how it would affect Arabella, but also Manuel. He hated to think what could be the possible outcome for both of them. Arabella falling back into trying to kill herself and Manuel losing his career over his emotions.

"I hate that there's nothing we can do to help," Mesut confessed.

"Me too," Cristiano mumbled. "I know it's bad of me to say, but sometimes I just wish Arabella would get over herself."

Mesut kept silent as he pondered over the meaning of Cristiano's words.

"I mean, she loves him just as much as he loves her, I know she does. Otherwise she wouldn't be depressed in bed all day, but somehow she can't just open up. It annoys me sometimes, you know," Cristiano rambled. "I've done everything in my might to help her, I've never done something to betray her trust and yet she can't fully let me in. If only she would just drop the goddamn wall she could be so much happier! Her and Manuel could've been together for years now, it would've spared her so many scars.."

Mesut just kept silent as he let his friend get it all off his chest. Even though the words seemed harsh Mesut knew Cristiano didn't mean it in order to badmouth her. Sometimes even the people you love more than anything can annoy you, Mesut knew that, and that's fine. So Mesut just nodded as Cristiano rambled on as if he was in some sort of therapy session, until he was done.

"Maybe there's a way we can help them."

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