So this is the spirit world

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I stared at my hand as the gentle breeze past by. I remembered the times my mum and I played guardians and bad guys


12 years ago

'okay look now swity, we play this game like this. I'm the bad guy and your the guardian every time I try to do something bad to you, you scream out Lightening's edge and it will protect you' mum said.

'Boring mum' I complained. 'i wanna go play video games' okay swity mum said. Lets just try this one more time.....


'good doggy' I yelled. 'am I glad that worked. Cause I had no idea what so ever what the hell i was doing' frost seemingly suprised 'what do you mean?' 'i didn't think that would work' I said. See my mum and I used to play this game called guardians and bad guys. And she used to tell me different things to say in order to protect myself. Lightening's edge is one she used over and over. That's why I decided to try. And what do you know, it worked. Am I cool or what? 'i'll go with or what in this case' frost said pushing her hair from her face. 'those men will be here with reinforcements so unless you want to stay here I suggest you hold me tight.' you don't need to come up with funny excuses to touch me. ' oh please' yelled frost. Your not even my type. Plus I'm way older than you. And I mean way. Then frost grabbed me and we suddenly disappeared.


The next moment we were in some sort of forest. And before us stood a huge forcefield. It was making some sizzling noise. The area around the forcefield was covered in rocks. The whole spectacle looked quiet amazing. 'we need to cross the bridge to the spirit world I'm gonna need you to pass through the forcefield. And meet me on the other side.' then she went through. I got stuck there on the bridge thinking about what I was leaving behind. I definitely knew that once I crossed over to the other side chances of me coming back where slim. I suddenly remembered what that man said about capturing my mum. Was she safe? Where those men going to hurt her. I was beginning to have second thoughts about crossing that bridge then I heard a voice. 'hurry up already. I ain't got all day. Chickening out already?' Hell no I proclaimed. I was just thinking about a pose to strike when I got in! Then I took a deep breath and walked through the bridge.


As soon as I walked through the bridge I was on the other side. 'welcome to the spirit world or as the locals here like to call it. The Old World' frost said. Old was an understatement this place was retro and I mean like way back 1400 or some thing. Only thing current about this place was the sense of fashion which was surprisingly up to date. People where using carriages for transport. Buildings or hats where made out of straw and wood. They where some people who where using some language that I can't even begin to explain. It had some funny click sounds in it kind of like xhosa. 'well this is the spirit world. And as you can see people here like to keep it simple. But don't be fooled this place has everything you need. Wifi, electricity even casinos.' frost said. As she continued. 'this place is considered a safe haven for any creature that has enough spirit energy to pass through the bridge without been incinerated. Which means we share this place with witches, warlocks, elfs , fairys, guardian helpers and gifted humans. 'hold on a second there' I stoped frost. ' does that mean if I'm a guardian my mum is a gifted human. And speaking of which shouldn't we come up with a plan to go save her?' save alice frost laughed. 'you know that disappear and appear here thing I did back there?' well ya I said. ' well still haven't rapped my head around it though. If I can shot Lightening from my hand. Anything is possible. But do continue' anyway frost said as we continued walking. ' your mum is the one that taught me that. Yess don't look so suprised. Your mum isn't as helpless as you think she is. Escaping those men to her will be like stealing candy from a baby. And about your other question no your mum is not a gifted guardian. She's actually a human that somehow acquired guardian like powers. She is actually a substitute guardian.'

By now we had stoped by a really huge building made of stone. With the writing ' school of the magically gifted ' on the top. ' I knew it so this was all a ploy to get me back in school ' said shouting. Oh please frost said rolling her blue eyes. ' not everything is about you. Now on to pressing matters. The reason we I mean I brought you here is so that we can develop your powers. This school will teach you how to control your powers and teach you how to harness the power of the lightening orb. Ah scarlet just in time.' ' yes miss frost' she said. ' I'm gonna need you to show this young man around the school.' ' that will be no problem I will get on it right away.' Scarlet said. Scarlet was really beautiful, she had the most delightful british accent. Her blonde hair ran for miles. And body that had the most amazing curves to top it all of she had green eyes. I was in love. And I had spent so much time drooling over scarlet I hadn't noticed frost saying some thing. ' could you come again frost I didn't get you' stammered. Oh and from now on its ms frost to you mister. Frost said with a serious look to her face. ' now if you don't mind I will have to get started on a pass for your mum. I'll leave you with scarlet. Later' and frost walked away.

' well this way ummmm ?????' scarlet said with a puzzled look on her face. ' its Akulis ' I said with a smirk on my face. So this is the spirit world.........


Kakashi's hideout.

Alice POV

As they dragged me along that dark hallway I couldn't help but notice all the pictures of Kakashi this dushe loved him self more than the next guy. His men had restrained me from the back so there was nothing really I could do but let them lead me to there leader. We arrived in a huge room with huge windows which made the room glow. A refreshing change of pace from the dungeons like building.

'its been a while my dear alice. How long has it been half a century maybe more? Kakashi said whilst looking through the window. 'well it definitely hasn't been long enough' said shoving the guard next to me. Kakashi turns around ' you know I didn't really think it would be that easy capturing you. Are you losing your touch, or is your spirit energy finally draining out?' firstly I answered ' I'm not losing my touch nor is my spirit energy draining out. And secondly are you sure these men captured me or I let them capture me cause the two are totally different' then suddenly I vanished and the near dozen guards who were in the room where down in an instant.

' you always where good with that teleportation technique of the third light guardian, but do you think it can beat me' within an instant he charged at me and connected with a punch to the gut. As he smiled 'got ya you sorry excuse of a guardian' then I appeared behind him suddenly putting him of guard. ' as a matter of fact Kakashi this technique is all I need to defeat you... Lightening's edge! ' which sent Kakashi flying across the room.

' this is not the time or place for us to do battle. Til next time I bid you farewell grandpa' I said smiling and then vanished into thin air.

*shocking conclusion Lightening's edge a mother- son technique*

- end chapter.

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