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~ An entry in Ciara's little sister, Stephanie's diary ~ 

If anyone asked me who I shipped most in the world, it wouldn't be one of the most favourited ships, Peter Pan and Wendy Darling, nor would it be a pairing from a cheesy romance novel or movie. I shipped my own sister and her boyfriend the most. Why? They'd gone through so much together but always came out on top in the end. They were also like parents to me, since mine and Anita's mum had gone downhill as both a parent and a person when our dad died in a car accident. 

Yeah, Robbie and Ciara had gone through hell together and, sometimes, I'd gone through it with them - sort of. One of those times was when Ciara suddenly went missing. I still remember it as if it were yesterday...


Robbie and I were sat in the police station, anxiously waiting for news that my sister was all right. At first, Robbie had his head in his hands and, when I turned my head to see him like that, I just...broke down into tears. Of course Ciara wasn't all right! Even Robbie wasn't sure if she was! 

Upon hearing my sobs, Robbie lifted his head from his hands and hauled me up onto his lap. "'s going to be okay. Ciara's fine, I promise," he told me.
" had your head in your hands..."
"I was just being silly, Stephie. Ciara is fine. I won't let anything happen to her. Would I lie to you?"
I shook my head.
With that, he planted a kiss on top of my head before resting his chin there. He'd always been like a big brother to me, comforting me whenever Ciara couldn't. 

Just as I'd started to calm down, an officer stepped into the waiting area and I could feel Robbie's muscles tense up. I was only ten years old at the time and didn't understand the full extent of a grown-up's emotions, but, looking back on it now, Robbie had probably been cursing the officer for walking in just when he'd managed to dry my tears.
"Mr Carlsen?" the officer checked in a strong, emotionless voice.
"Yes?" Robbie confirmed, fully alert.
"I'm Officer Gregory. I'm looking into the case involving your girlfriend, Miss Ciara Miller."
"Yes?" he urged impatiently.
"We have reason to believe we have a lead on Miss Miller,'s probably best if we discuss this in the office without...little ears present." 
Taking the hint, Robbie said to me gently, "All right, Stephie, I'm just going with the officer. You stay here, okay?" 
"Okay," I agreed, nodding. 
Satisfied, Robbie lifted me up, got to his feet then sat me down on the seat behind him, giving me one last reassuring smile before he turned on his heels and walked away with the officer. 

Obviously, where I was left in the waiting area, I wasn't too big on knowledge about what went on in that office. So, I've had to go on what was written in Robbie's diary that was 'hidden' underneath his and Ciara's bed. 


I ran my hand through my hair, pacing back and forth in front of the officer's desk while trying to keep my cool and fight back the tears that threatened to spill. 
"What?" I asked, my throat constricting, my balled fists trembling. 
"Your girlfriend...she was taken by the boy you described to be her ex-boyfriend. And we have reason to believe he has accomplices that are a part of the Dark Carver."
I instantly halted, my head snapping to the side to face the officer. God, I hoped she wasn't...
The Dark Carver was a merciless group of twisted people who took pleasure in hurting those they held ransom. They kept a low profile so their numbers were unknown, making them all the more dangerous.
"Mr Carlsen, being a past victim yourself, I was hoping you might confirm this theory so we know where to go from here."
I sighed heavily. All I wanted was to have my girl back, safe at home, in my arms...cuddling with me on the sofa after we'd put Stephie to bed. Still, if confirming it was them who'd kidnapped her would get me closer to holding my star again, then I didn't want to waste another minute.
"Show me the footage again?"
The officer sighed in frustration at having to show me for the second time, but...I suppose I only asked to see it again in the hopes of changing her kidnappers. I didn't want to think...I didn't want to believe she was at the mercy of those sick bastards.   

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