Living in Disneyland

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  • Dedicated to Walt Disney and the Disney Company

Welcome to the first Chapter of Living in Disneyland, this book has been written by me and I have full rights towards the idea. The only characters I have all rights on are Liana, Christian and any extras. All Disney Princesses and Princes mentioned in the story are all property of Walt Disney and his company. Anastasisa and all charcaters in that chapter are all belonging to 20th Century Fox. I am merely reworking some of my ideas with these brave, couragious and well known characters and cutting some parts of the original idea. 

On that note I hope you enjoy this story, it is a work  in progress but it is my story. Please do not steal my ideas of what I do in this book and if you do give full credit like I have done towards Disney and 20th Century Fox.

This first update is dedicated to Walt Disney and the Disney Company, for without this Disney movies would have never been made and I would probably cry.

Living in Disneyland

Written By Mel Chuck


“And they all lived happily ever after.” A sigh of relief passes though the girls lips as she closes over the hard cover of the book, and puts the copy of Beauty and the Beast on top of the skyscraper of books on the table. A poof of dust glides upwards, and starts floating as the air settles it. She strokes the spine of the old and clearly loved book, running her fingers over the stress lines present. Abruptly, she stands, knees cracking showing her stiffness in posture, stretching out her back and craning her neck muscles. Wow, I finished in two hours. Thats a new record, she ponders.

She gathers all the books in her hands and makes her way along the aged floorboard, clicking against her old boots; towards her library’s timeworn creaky ladder. She starts climbing on the ladder to reach the highest book shelf, passing a new shelve each time. Passing the F E and D shelf she stops.  After finally getting to the highest shelf, she fixates her eyes on the book names. Anastasia, Aladdin, Aristocrats, Bambi, Cinderella woops, I missed Beauty and the Beast. She thinks to herself, moving the books to assure that her obsessive compulsive disordered mind is at ease.

Marvelling her eyes on the collection of books, she smiles proudly at her eight years of research and discovery. She climbs down the ladder thinking of the story she just read. If only you could love a beast in the real world and make him a prince. Sensing a presence in the room she startles herself and her boot misses one of the runs. The wheels spin as the ladder sides away from her and she starts to fall down arms flailing about and screams fill her mouth. The gravitational pull dragging her towards the ground make it feel endless. It’s like those dreams you have when you feel as if you’re falling, all the blood rushes to your face and right before you hit the ground, you wake up in bed breathing deeply. Instead of waking up, she continues to fall and her body slams against the ground. Her body lays limp as blood gushes from the back of her head, staining the light blonde a blood red. Her eyes flutter close as the pain becomes too much too handle and she falls into a peaceful oblivion. 

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