Chapter 1 Anastasia

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Now before yall go yelling at me saying Anastasia isn't Disney I would like to say I already knew that. She is property of 20th Century Fox. I am merely adding her in this story as I feel she has what all Disney characters have and it is an admirable characteristic. This is BRAVERY.

So like I said before, these charcters are 20th Cnetury Fox's not mine, I am just writing a story including these stories.

Chapter One

A thumping noise is the first thing that makes me realise I am still alive, what on earth happened? I think to myself, I open my eyes and see that I am surrounded by snow; sitting up quickly, snow slides inside my jacket feel. I wrap my jacket sleeves trying to prevent the harsh winds from hitting. I look at my attire, wrapped in a giant green jacket. When did I put this on? I think. Where am I? Looking around, I see that there is a wooden sign pointing in two different directions. Left, the Fisherman's Market, right St Petersburg. I look down the left lane, then the right; I feel as if something is pulling me towards the right. I start heading that way, foot prints being left in the snow. I feel a tug on the bottom of my scarf and see a little dog using it as a tug toy.

"C'mon little guy, let's get you back to town." I say, the dog and I walking down the road into town. I feel a gentle banging against my neck and look down to see a necklace. "Together in Paris" inscribed on the charm, maybe someone wants me to go to Paris.


"NO EXIT VISA, NO TICKET." Huh, people these days, all I asked for was a ticket to Paris.

"See Dimitri, he can help?" A little old lady in line whispers to me. Hmm how did she know he can help me?

"Where can I find him?" I ask, if he can get me to Paris then I can finally get to Paris.

"In the old Palace." She replies. "But you didn't hear it from me." She finishes, walking off towards another line.

I walk in the direction of an old looking palace; it looks magnificent but worn out; aged from not careful tending. I break down one of the boards on the door and climb in, entering a large ballroom from the looks. This all looks so familiar, like I have been here in a past life. I walk into the middle of the room and twirl around, I trip over my own feet and land in a heap on the ground.

"Hey!" an angry voice yells out, I look up and see a well-built young man and a plump older man with glasses, looking down at me. I quickly get up and run back to the stairs; ignoring their calls along the way. I reach the top of the stairs and hear someone yell out stop. I slowly turn around and see the man properly. He looks to be a few years older than me, we talk about why I am there and he assumes I might be the actual Anastasia that went missing all those years ago.


So, I agreed with Dimitri that I should at least see the grand duchess and see if I am the real Anastasia; just thinking of the name gives me shivers. I walk along the train to the baggage compartment. I'm not sure why we are here instead of an actual compartment but maybe it for privacy; I sit down on some luggage and rest my eyes. I feel as if I know Dimitri from somewhere, like in a past life. He is smart and funny but don't go telling him that otherwise he will get a big head... Before we got on the train, he and Vlad where teaching me about my past and how I used to stir up trouble, this all seems familiar but I can't be a princess, look at my clothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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