iii: present day

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I hop out of the bus, and walk up to xxx cinema. Quickly, I hike up the many stairs at the entrance, and grab the door open. I then walk inside, glad to be away from the cold outside. Once inside the cinema, I look around, searching for Soo Mi and Minseok.

"I wonder if they're here yet?" I think aloud to myself.

"Hey, Sonagi," a voice calls my name from behind. I turn around to see Minseok walking towards me, while waving.

Against all logic, reasoning, strength, effort, and will, my heart starts beating at a noticeably faster pace. "Hi." I greet him shortly. "Where's Soo Mi?"

"She's finishing up work, she'll be here soon." Minseok tells me. He then smiles warmly, and hands me the cup that he's holding. "Here, drink this." He says. "It was cold outside."

Slowly, I reach out and accept the drink into my cold fingers. Whatever the substance inside the cup is, it's sure doing a good job of warming my hands up.

Mistaking my silence for hesitation, Minseok reassures me, "Don't worry; it's not coffee."

I smile grimly, feeling a little excited for some reason. He remembered. I think, then take a short sip of the mystery substance, which happens to be hot chocolate. I shake myself; Minseok's already taken, and has been for the past four years. "Thanks, Minseok."


After that, we stand in what seems like an infinite silence of awkwardness, until Soo Mi appears several minutes later.

"Sonagi!" She yells, wrapping her arm around my neck. "Hi!"

Shrugging out her choking embrace, I grin when I see her. "Hello, Soo Mi."

"I haven't seen you for so long." Soo Mi pouts, and my smile falters a little.

Forcefully resetting my grin back into place, I inwardly sigh. Of course we haven't been spending much time together. She and I both have work, and Soo Mi's been spending most of her free time with her husband these days. "I know, right?" I agree.

"What about me?" Minseok pouts, jokingly.

Soo Mi playfully smacks Minseok on the arm, laughing. "I've been spending all my time with you, silly."

"Not enough time for me."

Soo Mi rolls her eyes, then kisses him on the lips. "Happy?"

Feeling a horrible pang in my heart, I avert my eyes away from the sweet couple.

Then Soo Mi gestures towards the theater area. "Lets go, I wanna get good seats!" She says, and starts speed walking ahead of me and Minseok.

"She's so cute, isn't she?" Minseok comments aloud, beaming at the sight of his wife.

"Yup." I agree, feeling a twisting pain in my heart.

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