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Duncan mumbled a string of cuss words as, he grabbed his keys and ran down stairs. It was February 14th, which marked not only Valentine's Day but it both Courtney and Duncan's 2-year anniversary. Though he thought valentine's Day was a bunch of bullshit, he would still go through with his plan but only to make his princess happy.

Last year Duncan, forgot which did not please Courtney at all, she made sure he would suffer which he did. Courtney gave him the cold shoulder and ignored him for a good 2 months. Never in his life had Duncan ever felt so guilty, he tried apologizing multiple times, he shredded her with chocolates and flowers and to his ....... It did not please her one bit.

This year Duncan had planned everything out it was going to be perfect, or at least as perfect as Duncan can get it to be. In his favor, Courtney, had gone out to see her parents last weekend and she was coming back today around 5;30-ish, so in conclusion Duncan almost had all day to make sure it would wow Courtney.

Currently it was 9:45, meaning Duncan had a good 8 hours to get everything together for the surprise. And yes, Duncan Capello had actually done the math's. WOW, today is really full of surprises. Right now, Duncan headed, towards 'Lily's Flower Shop' (Ironic right), to pick up his roses that he ordered, a couple of days ago. Entering the small shop, his teal orbs searched for the petite lady that owned the store. He spotted her behind the counter raping a bundle of tulips for a fourteen-year-old looking boy.

"There you go honey, Happy Valentine's Day." Lily handed the tulips to the young boy, the boy smiled gratefully and left the shop. Lily turned her attention to Duncan.

"I'm here to pick up an order some flowers under 'Princess'." He flashed her his usual smirk. Lily smiled and went to the back room that was situated behind the counter. As she came out, she held two large bunches of roses.

"Your girlfriend must be very special to you." Lily said warmly as she rapped the flowers up.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Duncan scratched the back of his neck, something he tend to do when he was nervous. About five minutes of awkward silence Lily had packed up his roses, he paid a total of 20.15 dollars. He grumbled a bit when he paid but then he remembered who he was doing it for.

12:45, the clock read and Mr. bad boy, had almost everything ready. He had gotten all the flowers, cards, a teddy bear he got a build-a-bear and a bottle of champagne, nonalcoholic of course because he didn't want to receive a 20 hour long about how under aged drinking is bad and blah blah blah. Duncan had thought it was a good idea to stop at chipotle to get lunch, he drove into the drive through waiting in the long line. Thinking the line would go by he turned up the radio, the lyrics that he heard immediately reminded him of her princess.

I met you in the dark

You lit me up

You made me feel as though

I was enough

Duncan couldn't help but think about how that line related to him and Courtney, she always believed in him, even when he was at a very low point in life. One hour past, and Duncan was still in the drive through. What the hell is taking so long he said to himself, he stepped out of the car and walked up a head only to see a very pissed off mom in her car arguing to the employ.

"Um excuse I clearly said that I didn't want any dairy products in my order but when I open my dish I see you basically smothered my food in cheese and sour cream, do you have any idea what that could have done to me..." The woman continued to waffle on, getting more pissed off after every sentence. He took out his phone to check his phone, 14:49 it red. Giving him exactly 2 hours and half, to set everything on time.

"Okay I don't give a fuck about what the hell you are-" Duncan decided to intervene

"Excuse me young man I have children in the back- "The lady tried to cut Duncan off, key word tried. Duncan gave her a glare and she immediately shut up. If there was one thing you learn while dating Courtney you learn how to give a real, 'say one more word and I'll make you wish you were never born' type of glare.

"As I was saying I. Do. Not.Give.A. Flying. Fuck. Alright. You are obviously aren't getting through by screaming at this young boy here that you have clearly traumatized, so why don't you use something called a brain and go inside and actually speak to the manager. And I think your situation might be actually taken care of." He had, had enough of everybody's bullshit right now "Before you open your fucking mouth, you dumb bitch and waste the air, I have had enough of every bodies bullshit alright, my girlfriend is coming home in 2 hours and because of your lazy ass I've been delayed an hour, so please shut the fuck up and leave." He angrily stomped back to his car reversed not caring if he hit anybody's car or not and just got the hell out. Once he got onto the high way, he got stuck on traffic.

This couldn't get any better. Right when those few words fell out of the delinquents mouth he heard his phone go off. He noticed it was a text from his princess, saying she was going to be a 3o minutes late because of traffic, give or take. Silently he praised the heavens. Things seemed to be actually going his way, because the traffic had started to move.

30 minutes Duncan had reached Courtney's apartment. He got out the flowers, cards, teddy bear and Champaign. Once he got to floor number 8 and apartment number 503, he looked under the mat, where he found a spare key.

"She's just making this way too easy for me." He smirked. With ... Duncan placed all the things on the counter top. He looked at the Clock that Courtney had hanging in her kitchen, the beige clock read 3:35, which gave Duncan more than enough time. Immediately he started to set up the perfect Valentine's Gift/Surprise for his dear princess.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day everybody, i thought i'd just make this small one shot the second part of this one will be up first thing tomorrow. Hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day, mine was filled with chocolate and candy and i'm pretty sure my dentist will hate my guts but whatever. Love you all xxx

Hope you all have an amazing day

-A xx

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