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We decided to take Zack's advice in talking to Brendon and Ryan,and Pete and Patrick. We had invited them over and now we just had to wait till they got here.

"What do you want to do to fill time?" Tyler asked.

"We could just talk." I suggested.

"What do you propose we talk about?" He asked, scooting closer to me on the couch we were sitting on. We usually held meeting at Tyler's house because his parents are the most welcoming and he has more instruments in his room.

"Would you ever wanna move in with me? Like we get an apartment together." I said.

"Josh I'd love to but do we really have the money to do that?" Tyler asked sounding concerned.

"It was just a silly idea, never mind." I said quietly.

"Josh it wasn't silly, I just think we're young and we don't have a stable income to pay for rent." Tyler said.

"Umm excuse me Tyler but I think you two should do it." I heard his mother speak from behind us.

"Mom what about the money?" Tyler asked.

"You need to stop worrying about that, we have stuff saved. Since you aren't going to college we'll just use the college money to get you and josh a nice place to stay." Kelly said.

"I mean if it's okay with you, than it's settled." Tyler said before turning to me, "we're going to be living together! Can you even imagine how sick that's going to be?" He exclaimed.

"Sick as frick." I chuckled.

"I'll go inform your dad, we'll start apartment hunting tomorrow, got it you two?" Kelly said rhetorically.

We both nodded and continued to sit in silence.

"I was thinking of getting some tattoos." Tyler said nonchalantly.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, it would be symbolic things, something only I'd be able to know what they mean, you feel?" Tyler said looking at his arms.

"Hmm, I was thinking of getting a symbolic tattoo too. I want to get a sleeve of a tree." I said, examining my arm trying to picture what it would look like with the idea for a sleeve I had.

"We should go to the parlor together." Tyler said right before the doorbell sounded.

"It's open!" Tyler called.

Brendon, Ryan, Patrick and Pete all walked in and greeted us. They met us in the living room and all sat down.

"Wassup my dudes?" Brendon asked.

"Nothing much, we played our first show a couple nights ago. We're actually looking to get signed to a record label." Tyler said.

"Is that why you called us here? Not even to hang out with your good old pals, but to get us to hook you up with our producers?" Ryan asked.

"We can still hang out, but uh yeah." I said quietly.

"Relax guys, It's really no problem. We'll set you up a meeting, but there's one condition." Brendon said.

"What is it? We'll do almost anything." Tyler pleaded.

"We all have to hang out, right now. Just like old times." Patrick said hopefully.

"I don't know guys, that's not really a fair deal. I don't think I can follow through with this. There's always other record deals right?" Tyler said jokingly, "just kidding, of course we can hang out!"

"Wow Tyler your so funny." Ryan said sarcastically. He lost absolutely no sass after graduating. If anything he gained more sass. The Ryan is one sassy little bean.

"Should we invite Melanie, Jenna, Austin, and Alan over too?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Patrick squealed excitedly. He was to adorable for his own good.

"Alright I'll call them over." I chuckled.

Patrick did a little happy dance, and Pete looked at him with such love and adoration. They were perfect together, I can't even. I created a little groupchat and texted the others.

Me: Hey doods hang out at Tyler's place?

Mel: yea boi

Austin: I'm down

Alan: um, sure..

Jenna: yassss

Mel: Jenna ur so white

Jenna: sorry..I was born this way XD

Austin: so now ur emo to??? Lollll

Me: omg, guys just get here asap

Alan: alrighty

Jenna: omw

Mel: Me too^^

Austin: Me three^^^

I close off my phone and soon enough, they all arrived. We spent the rest of the day just chilling out maxing relaxing all cool and shooting some b-ball out side of the school. Jk. Lolzor.

Guys this is so shitty, but y'all asked for it for some odd reason so this is what you get; more crap chapters from an awkward potato

He's the tear in my heart »joshler«Where stories live. Discover now