Chapter 2 next generation

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"Hi," I said awkwardly. "I'm Celeste."

The boy with the messy  hair stood up and offered out his hand.

"I'm James. James Potter to be exact." he said as I shook his hand.

"That's Molly, my cousin, and thats my other cousin, Fred." he introduced me.

" Im starting first year. How 'bout you guys?" I said.

"Molly's in first, so's James and I'm in second." Fred smiled.

"Good to know" I grinned,  plopping myself down  next to James.

"What's your blood status?" Molly suddenly blurted out rudely.

"Molly..." Fred warned dangerously.

"Sorry about her. She's not comfortable meeting new people. She prefers to keep to herself, mostly, but she'll get used to you."

"s'ok- I'm a muggle born." I told him proudlybut nervously. Suddenly there  was a loud bang and a flash of light and a young girl appears. She fell to the floor.

"Are you ok?" I ask worriedly, but she just pushed me away.

"Get away from me mudblood, " she spat.

"Brooke..." Fred sighed. "I know we're dating n'all, but imagine what your father will say. And by the way, this is Celeste."

"pleasure." she said. "I'm Brooke Nott. I am slytherin and proud." she stormed off.

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