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"flame" is a poem I wrote before the school year started. I never really think about what I write, it just kinda happens and then when I go back and read it I find that I subconsciously let out my fears and insecurities. "flame" is one of those works. I doubt that this will happen but if anyone wants to quote this or whatever, please indicate that its mine; this poem is really important to me.


im not fit to be with people hence why I was kept away. casting shadows over children each and every single day. 

lighting up the midnight sky; like a tiny firefly. wishing that I wasn't here in this place thats laced with fear. 

praying that I could rely on some random, pretty guy. take my mind off of this. fear replaced with pure bliss. 

can I kiss you now and then? when I'm looking like a ten? can I be your one true love? when I'm flying like a dove?

tear myself down everyday, wishing I could fade away ...

can it all just stop? I think I've had enough.

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