first chapter

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Amanda loves being with her parents but her parents were both working and sometimes they would even forget to pick her up at school. She was a lonely child with no friends, people took her a snob not knowing what was happening to her. Her father was a well known businessman and her mother was a doctor. Amanda got whatever she wanted except for her parents love.

It was Monday and Amanda was supposed to go to school but her mother left her behind and she did not have money for the cab so she got ready for school and called her nanny to pick her up, her nanny picked her up and they went to school, they arrived at school and her nanny dropped her with some pocket money. She was very sad that her mother forgot about her but she forgave her mother because she knew that her mother was working hard and was going through a lot at work. As she was sitting alone during break she thought about the time she was 5years old where her father was beating her mother, from that day she hated her father till now but she dont show the hatred towards his father. A girl approached her and asked if she may join her, she smiled and said okay. they sat down and introduced themselves to each other then suddenly the bell rang. They both went to their classes.

It was after school and her mother nor his father fetched her, she waited for a long time till 6:30pm, she was feeling cold it was extremely cold outside. The police car came as they usually do their rounds in some of the areas,she stood in front of the car and the police stopped. Detective Mane the well known detective called the little girl through the window only to find out that this little girl was her best friend's daughter, she opened the door for the little girl and took her to her house. As detective knocked no one opened the door then Amanda took out her key and opened the door, Amanda's parents were watching a movie sitting comfortably on a couch and cuddling Amanda started crying then detective Mane called out Amanda's mother's name "Jennifer!!" Amanda's mother jumped out the couch and she ran towards her little baby but the detective stopped her before Jennifer could hug her daughter, " what are you doing Mandy?" Asked Jennifer. "Whats wrong mom really?" That was Amanda, "whats happening there babe" that is Frank, " you know what i am tired of both of you, you just make me sick i just dont understand you Jennifer how could you forget your own flesh not to mention that i was in your tummy for 9months or wasn't i that heavy, you disgust me " those were Amanda's words as she ran to her bedroom. " how rude of you little girl and dont go while i am talking to you... hey you little piece of garbage get your little ass here or i will come there and kick it " Jennifer as she is running after Amanda " come back here Jennifer or i will have to arrest you girl"that was Mandy running after Jennifer. "Who is getting arrested?" Asking Frank as he is going to the kitchen door to check whats going on, as he is looking for his wife outside he hears a bang upstairs he ran quickly.

Amanda closed the door before her mother and Mandy came in, her mother begged her to open the door but she did not open the door. "Amanda baby girl i know you are angry with your mother but please open for me surely you recognize my voice... it is Mandy ",  Frank looked at the police woman entering her daughter's room and he quickly went to his wife " babe where is Amanda, did you even fetch her, i dont remember seeing her today, whats happening?"  said Frank, "stop it!! Stop it! You cant blame me for not fetching our daughter she is also yours so dont make her my responsibility" said Jennifer angrily. Amanda and Mandy were listening to that and that made Amanda to breakdown because she was rejected and her parents did not want anything to do with her. Mandy comforted her and gave her, her card saying"take this and call me anytime you need me okay,i gotta go"  she stood up and opened the door and waved goodbye to Amanda. She found Jennifer sitting in the passage "do this again i promise you, you will kiss your daughter goodbye thats a promise".

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