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"I'll pick you up at five!" Matty yelled as he drove away in his black Audi.

I took a deep breath and walked into the double doors of the enormous university.

I had wanted to go to Yale ever since I learnt how to read. The place looked exactly like what it did in the pictures that you would find on the school's website.

But to my dismay, I could see no students lurking anywhere, as class started twenty minutes ago.

I silently cursed myself for taking more than five minutes to pick out my outfit.

I was actually scheduled to meet the principal in his office five minutes before class starts to explain to me the rules of my scholarship - yes, as a matter of fact, I am rather smart - but clearly, I missed our meeting, and I don't think I'll be arriving at our meeting any time soon as I happen to have the worst sense of direction ever.

To be honest, I have been wandering around the halls for at least ten minutes now, hoping the office will magically appear or perhaps a person, so I can ask for directions.

My feet are killing me - I knew I shouldn't have worn my black stiletto heels today! Curse my brother for talking me into it!

While I was busy zoning out - or mentally cursing my brother, to be exact - I accidentally bumped into something that felt no different for a brick wall, and I should know because I have actually walked into a brick wall before (curse my clumsiness-genes that I got from my mother!).

I am really lucky that I didn't wear a skirt today because I practically fell on my butt.

"Need a hand?"

I looked up to find that I haven't bumped into a brick wall, but instead I crashed into a guy's abs.

A really hot guy, I might add.

I realized that I was blushing and I think the guy noticed too, because he was smirking at me like a total goddess.

God, did I just call him a goddess?

I took his hand and tried to look not so excited, because our bodies were practically an inch apart. Besides, he was flexing his biceps. Oh god, how can a girl resist?

"Um, sorry about that, and um, thanks," I stammered, biting my lip.

Wait, did I just stammer? Sophie does not stammer, EVER, not for anyone, not for anything.

The guy chuckled. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

Wow. Does he know that I'm drooling? Well, he can't really blame me, because his blue eyes are so beautiful. So twinkly. So magical. So... ugh, I could go on for hours.

"So, I'm guessing you're new?"

"Yeah, how can you tell?" I said, sarcastically. "Oh, and, shouldn't you be in class? Wait a minute, are you skipping? You nasty, little wart, I almost fell for you too! Well, not really you, just your eyes, has anyone ever told you how gorgeous they are? I mean, I can seriously get lost in them. Oh and maybe your biceps kind of made me drool too. Oh, shoot, did I just say that?"

He looked very amused. A bit like he couldn't decide whether he should shrug it off or laugh at me.

Please just act like he haven't heard a thing I said, I prayed.

"You know, you remind me a lot of my mom." He was grinning widely.

Oh. Shoot. I guess God didn't hear me and was busy partying or something.

"I'm sorry I tend to ramble when I'm nervous."

"So I make you nervous then?"

I'm really not enjoying this. But I guess the guy is, since he's smirking again.

Ugh. Why do I find that smirk so attractive?

"Aw, thanks, I find my smirk attractive too."

Oh my god, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did, and you said that aloud too."

Yeah, pretty boy was enjoying this too much. I really have to save my embarrassment and get to that stupid meeting, before the principal changes his mind about the scholarship.

"So, I better get going, I'm actually really late," I said, apologetically.

The hottie smiled and saluted, watching me stroll away.

But I suddenly remembered that I had no clue where I was going, and retraced my steps.

Fortunately, the guy had not gone anywhere and was still standing at the exact spot I left him.

"I hate that I'm bothering you again, but I really had no clue where I'm going because I happen to have the worst sense of direction," I blurted.

The guy gave me another of his deep chuckles. "So, milady, where to?"

"Dean's office."

"Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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