Chapter two

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(After school at Michaels)

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I stare blankly at my math homework. What the fuck is this shit? I wouldn't of got this if AJ hadn't of made me late for class.

"Michael, your friend is here!!" My mother calls up. And here we go again.

I run downstairs. "AJ, come upstairs I need 'help with my math homework'" I wink at him to try and get him to play along. Otherwise my mother would get suspicious as AJ never comes to mine, I'm always at his. And she knows how lazy he can be.

He just stares plainly and nods as we head upstairs.

"What was that about, man?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face. "I'll explain later. Its 5 pm and the party starts at 8!! You still wanting to go?" He gives me a small smirk. "I thought you didnt want to be involved with the popular kids? This wouldn't have something to do with Kayla would it?" Fuck he's onto me. "Of course not haha." Im not the best liar.

"Well we better get you something to wear because there's no way you're going in that!" Not like he's ever been on a catwalk. "Whats wrong with it?" I ask. "A white polo and some shaggy looking trousers really?" He looks at me in disgust. "Maybe you're right.." He smiles bright. "I always am, lets go!!"

He grabs my arm and practically drags me downstairs. "Mom im staying at AJ's tonight." I say sweetly. "Okay honey stay safe." She replies. Hm easier than i thought. We walk out the door and into AJ's car.

"You're gonna look great tonight, Jackson. I promise." He bites his lip, focusing on his driving. "What am I even gonna wear?" I say. Im not the best when it comes to fashion honestly. But i know AJ could help me with that. "We'll find you something dont worry."

We pull up at AJ's house. Practically a mansion, this place is fucking huge. "You should go take a shower and I'll pick out some outfits for you to try on, yeah?" He walks to his room. I know my way around here very well, i pretty much live here.

(An hour later)

I'm sitting on AJ's bed, waiting for him to bring my outfits. Fuck sake its been 40 minutes. Suddenly he bursts through the door looking like a clothes rack. "Fuckin hell how much clothes do you need?!" He laughs at my statement and lays all the outfits on his bed for me to chose. They all look very good.

"This one." I point to a red shirt with black pants, black tie and jacket. He picks it up, holding it in front of me. "Perfect."

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