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"My daddy said he's taking me to see that new movie called sing!" Britain said happily. She wasn't trying to rub it in or anything, she was just excited.

"That movie old." Blake said.

"I never saw it though."

"It's probably stupid."

"Stop, Blake." I said rolling my eyes.

"Can I have a dirt bike?"

I shook my head immediately. "Absolutely not."


"Because they're expensive, dangerous, and illegal."

"They're only illegal if you ride them on the street." He said.

"I have a dirt bike, we can ride it around the track by my house." Jay said making me look at him crazy. "If that's okay." He quickly added.

Blake gasped. "Oh please, mommy! Please, please, please."

"As long as you have a helmet for him." I mumbled.

"Yeah, I got one." He smiled. "I'll take you next Saturday, Blake."


"I promise."

"Aghhh!" I screamed. "Jay, put me down."

"I like picking you up though."

He had me thrown over his left shoulder with his hand on my ass, spinning me in circles.

"I like when you pick me up, but not like this."

"How you like it?" He asked putting me down.

"When my legs are wrapped around your waist."

"Like this?" He picked me up and sat me on the counter.

"Yeah," I nodded looking down at him. "Like this."

We both leaned in for a kiss at the same time. The kiss was slow and sensual. He smooth slid his tongue across my lip, making me open up and let him in.

As the kiss went on, I got hotter. Slow tongue kissing has always been one of the biggest turn ons for me.

I slowly started to unbutton his shirt.

He broke the kiss and stared into my eyes as I stared into his.

When I got the last button undone, I slowly brought it down from his shoulders.

Dropping it on the floor behind him, I ran my fingertips up his arms and rubbed down his chest to his abs never looking away from his eyes.

He bit down on his bottom lip and got to kissing on my neck.

"Upstairs." I moaned softly. I was about to hop down from the counter, but he picked me up and carried me upstairs.

"Bey, I'm Rey get up out of here."

I looked up at him and frowned. We go through this all the time. "Why? It's 2am, you can just stay."

Ain't No Love {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now