#Spokenword- Forgiveness

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Nowadays the word forgiveness has been twisted into a self-definition,

where most people only forgive, for prideful reasons,

But even more people commit a deeper sin, by allowing bitterness to grow inside of  them,

Not by saying it with their mouths, but speaking with their hearts,

Saying “If trouble come your way, it’s because of all the seeds you’ve planted”

We tell others to forgive but when it comes to us,

The situations different.

But when we repent and ask for forgiveness,

We expect God to release an overflowing of forgiveness,

 We expect him to forget,

Yet we refuse to show the same mercy to those around us.

You can’t understand mercy, unless you have truly been face down to its throne,

and if you have truly experience mercy, you will always be at its feet,

Begging for YHWH’s grace to cover you, even though you are underserving, unclean and a sinful being,

If we truly say we forgive, why do we still dwell on the issue?

If I say I have forgiven, my heart needs to show a deeper love for that person,

That is what true forgiveness is, letting go of the bondage you created due to anger and pride.

Don’t allow pride to be your master, by allowing being offended be your answer,

If you see yourself the way God sees you, you would humble yourselves and look past all the things thrown at you,

Feel the conviction of the spirit, and in times of situations where you need to forgive,

Say God let me forgive the way you have forgiven me.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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