7. Your Favourite Thing About Each Other

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Anthony -

Your favourite thing about him - How he is always there with open arms whenever you need him

His favourite thing about you - How your smile lights up a room as soon as you walk into it

Ian -

Your favourite thing about him - You love Ian's eyes, they are so bright that you could get lost in them so easily and you do most of the time, people end up having to snap you out of the daze you go into

His favourite thing about you - He loves your dress sense, you always look fashionable and you have always given him fashion advice if he ever wants it

Joven -

Your favourite thing about him - You love Joven's tattoos, you love the fact that each and every one has a specific meaning and you love listening to Joven explain all of his tattoos

His favourite thing about you - Joven's favourite thing about you is the fact you are so spontaneous, as he worked out when on your first date you suggested a road trip to the next state

Lasercorn -

Your favourite thing about him - You love the fact that Lasercorn has two sides to him. The funny side that he shows on Smosh Games, but also a caring, sweet boyfriend/dad side that he always shows to you.

His favourite thing about you - Similarly to you, his favourite thing about you is how you automatically took to being Tyler's mother figure, you were so good with him and that made Lasercorn love you even more

Sohinki -

Your favourite thing about him -  You actually love the fact he is a try hard, you think his sohinkisms are really cute and they make you want to cuddle him because you know that it calms him down

His favourite thing about you - He loves the fact that you can calm him down and bring him out of his mini rages just by hugging him, he always feels much happier.

Mari -

Your favourite thing about her -  You love how flexible Mari is, it's always funny to watch your friends reactions when she drops into the splits or high kicks past her ears

Her favourite thing about you - She loves how you also dance. It's nice for her to talk to someone who understand what she means and has the same love that she does.

Flitz -

Your favourite thing about him -  You love how despite his difficulty with his eye he is always positive and optimistic about life

His favourite thing about you - He loves how you are so eager to learn how to dance and also the fact that once you learn you'll be able to dance and perform together

Wes -

Your favourite thing about him - You love Wes's hair. I mean, who doesn't? You love the fact it is long so you can play with it really easily and also you love the new white colour he has dyed it as you think it makes him look even more attractive if that is even possible.

His favourite thing about you - His favourite thing about you is that you are almost as child like as he is, you both get really excited about new candy and have an adorable laugh when you get excited (think Wes's Elmo laugh)

Shayne -

Your favourite thing about him - You love Shayne's body. You love his muscles for obvious reasons but you also love the fact that you know that he would protect you from anyone or anything that tried to hurt you, you feel safe in his arms

His favourite thing about you - He loves your hair, he thinks that it is the perfect length and colour for you and he loves that it is so soft that he can play with it, when you're sleeping, when you're watching a film, when you're cuddling, whenever really

Noah -

Your favourite thing about him - You love Noah's glasses, you think they're both cute and sexy at the same time, cute because you love it when he pushes them back up his nose when they slip and sexy because they make him look just as smart as he is, even when he jokes about being sexy he actually is

His favourite thing about you - He loves the fact that you are so reassuring. He has lots of times where he feels like he isn't good enough and you are always there to assure him that he is perfect and that you love him

Courtney -

Your favourite thing about her - You love her smile. She is always so happy and if you are not happy one day, she just has to smile at you and she makes you feel so much better

Her favourite thing about you - She loves the fact that you are really passionate about things you like, like how you are a massive Harry Potter fan and don't hesitate to show it to anyone who sees you

Keith -

Your favourite thing about him - You love the fact that Keith loves to sing. You found out during the mother's day rule video how good he actually is, so you encourage him to sing all the time

His favourite thing about you - He loves your skill of being an amazing choreographer, he thought that you were a really good dancer ever since you taught him the mother's day rule dance

Olivia -

Your favourite thing about her - You love Olivia's strange sense of humour. You laugh at all of the same kinds of things which is why you get along so well

Her favourite thing about you - She loves that you have such a vivid imagination, who else would have been able to come up with the idea of the Intergalacwhip and manage to make it come to life like you could

Boze -

Your favourite thing about her - You love Boze's laugh. When she's really enjoying herself you can instantly tell as she lets out the biggest, loudest, most infectious laugh you've ever heard, and you purposely tried to make her laugh to hear it all the time.

Her favourite thing about you -  She loves the fact that you are a total gamer geek, just like her. She enjoys being able to talk to you about all of the latest releases in the gaming world and knowing you'll be just as excited as she is about everything that's happening.

Damien -

Your favourite thing about him - You love how when you're upset, Damien refuses to leave you until you smile and laugh. He does everything from tickling you, to talking to you in funny voices, everything in his power to make you smile again.

His favourite thing about you - He loves how you laugh at all of his jokes. No matter what he says, you're always there to make him feel good about himself and reassure him that he is funny and be his biggest cheerleader in all that he does.

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