Chapter 6

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A/N: hello readers sorry for being away so long, I didn't mean for this to happen but a lot came up during the past little while that I had to deal with. I apologize. Here is the new update and also from this point on all updates will be on Friday, that goes for all my stories. Thank you so much for your support!

Question: if you could have a super power what would it be and why?

Word Count: 1550


The pure sound of alpha male coming from ace had my own wolf pushing her way to the surface. My eyes wide as gold ones stared back, I was struggling to shove my wolf back, but she was loving this attention, practically basking in it.  Ace's eyes flickered all over my face, from my eyes to my lips and then lingering on my shoulder. 


The rough sounding demand was echoed, wild golden eyes pulling up my neck to focus back on my own. What did he mean by again, but before I could ask his eyes quickly flashing back from gold to dark brown over and over until he was once again gripping the table.

"I'm so sorry Vitoria. I did not mean for him to come forth." This time he kept his eyes down on his food. Not looking up to me.

"It''s okay, I had to force my own wolf back.. ." Replying honestly felt good, his head pulling up meeting my questioning gaze with his own.  "She liked the attention she was getting.." I quietly add on, i never came forward before about my wolf's feelings, sure I told my parents that she needed to run or hunt, but never how she felt. A Blush crawls up my neck as he smiles at me.

"Well that's good." Ace states as if it were obvious, to me though it clearly wasn't as confusion spread across my face. "I mean I would hate to see how it would be if your wolf didn't." He laughs, teasing me. Feeling a bit more relax I go to take another bite, lifting my fork. Just as I slightly part my mouth I notice once again the male before me eyes as they change.

"Is there a problem?" I gingerly ask, I didn't want to upset him if I was.

"No, no. I-  well my wolf and I like to uh..." tilting my head I watch as he stares at me watching for me to react, "uh well feeding you.." the fork nearly falls from my hand as his words are spoken. 

"I- I don't understand... I mean-

"It's okay Jaxon told me how you weren't raised within a pack, so I understand your confusion." He explains, although it didn't explain my question, I still didn't understand but continued  to eat anyways.

Throughout the meal I would notice Ace's stare although we did have small talk in between. Ace was asking me if I would like pie or a slice of cake, I nodded even though I was already stuffed from the delicious meal. Smiling ace went over to cart that was left for us and asked which I preferred. Choosing the cake I quietly watch as Ace takes it over along with his slice of pie.

"So tell me about where you grew up?" Ace's voice pulls me from my stare at the sweet looking cake and up to meet his dark gaze.

"Well I thought Jaxon told you about it?" I quietly mumble, to be honest It wasn't that I was shy, it was the fact I felt so ignorant to werewolf world. I knew little of what the life style was besides the fact not to reveal our selves to the humans.

"Jaxon told me where he found you, nothing like memories, your parents or siblings ; if you have any that is?" I watched as he crossed his hands and leaned his head into them, eyes peering into me.

"Well if I tell you the you have to tell me."

Pulling back ace's face scrunched up, "tell you what?" His question made a smile and light giggle to come from my lips.

"About your memories." I simply state and watch as Ace pulls his bottom lip between his bottom teeth.

"Fine. I'll tell you but since I asked first you have to start." Pointing his dessert fork at me smirking none the less. Laughing I nod my head before holding out my pinky. "What?"

"What do you mean? It's a pinky promise, I promise I'll go first." Rolling my eyes playfully I state it as if it was obvious.

"I know what it is." His laugh filled the room, as he locked his much larger pinky with my own. "I just didn't think people still did them." Shrugging my shoulders I pull back, picking up my fork and digging a chunk out of my cake before piping it in my mouth.

Smiling my eyes widen as the delicious flavour hits my tongue. "So what do you want to know?"

"Well start off with your parents? What are they like?"

"My parents? They're the best, well I mean to say I couldn't ask for better. The moved up to the mountain home once my dad met her, then I came along." I say before taking another bite of cake and watch as Ace enjoys his rhubarb pie. "There really isn't much to say about them, my mom would stay in the house raising me and my dad would work at the small town at the base of the mountain, during the day."

Nodding his head I watch him, "they seem nice, I don't blame you're father for moving to the mountains either, I would of done the same." He agreed and I gave a small smile, after the two bites of cake I had, even though it was good I didn't want to force my self to eat the last of it. Leaning back a bit in my chair I listen as Ace asks me his next question. "So any siblings?"

"Nope, just me, I don't think my parents wanted to chance it especially since we were in hiding as it was. I didn't even know about the drop in females until my father got wind that the royal solider were in the village looking for a she-wolf." Explaining I look down, I didn't want to meet his eyes, I was embarrassed at the turn of evens, and I didn't want to discuss the reasoning of me being here. My cheeks redden at the thought, I mean it's not like I had originally thought, Ace was handsome, and young, nothing like I thought.

"What about likes dislikes?" His voice was quiet but I could feel his eyes on me.

"Well I like this cake, and I don't like the fact I'm too full to finish it." I say seriously. I jump as Ace's laughter booms throughout he room, causing my embarrassment to skyrocket.

"You're amazing." Looking up I meet his eyes, and tilt my head to the side as if to ask how. "Well you're so simple" as if realizing how that sounded he nearly jumps out of his chair, "that's a good thing!" It was now my turn to laugh as Ace watched me.

"Okay now that I've told you about me, it's your turn." Ace watches on as I continue, "same questions, about your parents, siblings and likes and dislikes. Go!"

"Well I grew up with my father in his territory where he is alpha, until I took over the thrown. I have a half brother younger than I who lives with my father. As for likes and dislikes, well. I like you, and I dislike how you feel uncomfortable here."  Well he kept his answers short, even thought I was hoping to get a little more information than that. I decided to let his 'likes" opinion slide and focused on his displeasure of my discomfort.

"What makes you think I'm uncomfortable ?"

"Well you kind of look around like a lost pup, I understand that all this lifestyle is new to you and I hope I will be able to make you more comfortable soon."  He was being sincere about it, he wanted to make me feel more at ease. I gave a small smile and didn't tell him about my well being that came with the maids, or mistresses who ever they are to him.

"Is everything okay Victoria?" Looking up I didn't even realized I had zoned out on the alpha king. I shook my head no, but he didn't look convinced, "you sure? No one has said anything to you have they?" I once again shake my head no. The sound of a screeching chair was heard before the hot burn of hands are felt as Ace pulls me to stand. My mouth agape I look up at him, that is until I am smothered in his scent as he wraps his arms around me.

A hug as never felt so.. strange before. Slowing I hold onto his back accepting the hug, and it's comfort. I missed my home, I missed my family, I didn't like the feelings I was having but I had chosen this and I was sticking with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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