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Hey , there , your not really meant to brake out of the box the story and the audience. I don't follow rules so I have. Anyway your about to read a story about me so you need to know who I am , my family and friends. If you don't want to know about my life , then skip to the first chapter. xx

My name is Sasha Casey Breen-Youlds, I'm 18 years old . My birthday is 27 July. I live in a large house in Beverly hills, my parents bought it for me. I didn't want it , I wanted to earn my own money to buy my own house. There millionaires but I want to work for my money. They usually but a loan in my bank all year round thinking I wont notice when it do. My bank will be at $123,234 and then it will go up like $2,123,234 like no I am not going to notice.I have 2 dogs a golden retriever and a pug. There  both boys , the retriever is called Alex and the pug is called Tyson. My house has 10 bedrooms , 6 with bathrooms , 2 family bathrooms, indoor and outdoor pool both with hot tubs, 2 kitchens one with a pizza oven, 3 lounges , 2 living rooms , 3 offices  and a 10 car garage.

My Mums name is Britney Breen-Youlds and My dads name is John Breen-Youlds my mum is 36 years old looks 25 with all the plastic surgery and my dad is 37 years old. My mum got pregnant with me at 18. She the best , she's been there more then my dad has anyway , his a workaholic , my mum cant wait to finish and for her to put her feet up. My dads never around, I've never really had that dad figure , like ' stay away from boy the only man you need is me' , it's just been ' oh great, got to go back to work see you later'.

I an only child so I get spoilt a lot of my parents, I want to live a normal life but that's tricky considering , I famous, work at a restaurant and my parents are millionaires. I have to have body guards all the time so working as a waitress can be difficult.

I have friends such as the Kardashians and The Jenner's , Justin Bieber ; dated him didn't like it just wanted to be his friend, Adele , Beyoncé ,  Arianna Grande,  Joe sugg , Zoe sugg , Alfie Deyes and a lot more where that came from. There Nice , bright people to be around.


Story starts next chapter yay xx

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