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Sometimes I just get bored with the world. I need a break from my brain and the electronical buzz that always seems to be in the air. Recently when I stay up late and I can't stop thinking I just get an urge to go outside.(in my back garden). Today for example I did exactly that. There was utter silence. All I could hear was crickets and a slight wind moving the leaves. I got a blanket and laid outside. It was almost pitch black. While I was thinking about this I suddenly realised that since I'd been outside I hadn't been plagued by one bad thought. Not about me or anyone I know,not about what I've done or what anyone else has done. Not one judgemental thought. And I was amazed. It felt so peaceful to just breath in air and not be brought down by all the first world problems everyone has.It felt free. When people say"it felt like being alive". That's what "being alive" is to me. So if you're suffocating and you need air,wait till late and sneak out. Go by yourself and just relax and breath and I promise,you'll feel like you can fly. I looked up and I could see the stars and the clouds and the beautiful night sky.

A collection of thoughts that I worded well Where stories live. Discover now