Daily Letter Number 1

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Dear Beca,

I do not write this from my laboratory in the House. No more Link - not like I liked that weak, gormless man anyway. Thanks to his incompetence my most prized subject managed to get away. I had to move all my equipment and subjects to a new location to throw her off the scent, give her a bit of exercise y'know?

Bet you thought I'd write the address down didn't you? Well I haven't lost my touch just yet dear; my mind is still as fit as a butchers dog. I can live without that moulding pile of bricks; it was bound to get knocked down some day anyway.

But moving means no more subjects for a few weeks or even months. Who else will speed up the process of evolution? Create the perfect human being this galaxy has ever seen? Ensure our future generation have the perfect minds and bodies to survive this slowly decaying planet.

You mustn't think I've been careless sweetness! Even with all my new developments and advancements I've been employing new devious minds to assist me in my search for the electus; you always knew I hated doing the dirty work! I am one to never get my hands dirty. I will get my electus back in my grasp, even if it means killing her little puppets. I must say she's quite good at hiding dare say better than me even. No mistakes and leaves no witnesses. Impressive. But I will find her again; after all I am her creator. I know her better than she knows herself.

I'm proud of her Beca! She's become a sneaky little sociopath, unable to love or care for anyone or anything. It's just an act you see, once she gets want she needs she'll come running back to me, us.

I've had an expected piece of luck. Sharon turned up right up on my doorstep asking for my 'miracle injection'! I have been waiting for that piece of excrement for weeks to turn up on my doorstep and here she finally comes. I put on my best do good-er smile and lured her in with my promises of a 99.9% success rate. Of course I would kill her eventually and take her baby. Another causality in the line of a great cause. See you again in 8 months and eight days; unfortunately it will be your last.

Sharon should really be more careful next time, never trust a man who claims to be a doctor without checking his medical licence. Every person for themselves I say; I don't see the point in feeling sorry for other people with no intelligence or common sense. I've been waiting twenty-five years for another promising offspring. Responds well to my starter injections and shows all the signs of being a perfect candidate!

My mother taught me better than to ramble on without the other person. How are you? But you can't answer can you? You're mute. And I made you that way. I don't really regret it to be honest; when you could talk you could on and on for days. I damaged your vocal cords so you couldn't tell anybody, I know you; you're one of those gossip girls I see roaming shopping centres and streets.

I wish I could make this letter longer but I simply ran out of time. Hope to write to you soon sweetness.

Yours sincerely,  

Dr Rex

Thanks to the wonderful, extraordinary @fathomthestars_ for the new book cover. Go check put her page she makes awesome covers of all genre :)

I hope you all enjoyed entering the mind of the mysterious Dr Rex :) 

Wish to see y'all in another chappie. Bye ducklings. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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