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      Who knew that my life would change within two months of me moving to a new town? Weird. Okay, so, it went like this: I wake up, got ready, you know, the normal shit. As I got to the bus stop, my eyes met with this gorgeous bluenette. Have I seen him before? 'Stop it, you're staring!' I turned my head quickly as he just now started to notice me. "Hey!" I heard a voice call out for me. 'Fuck.'

•Ciel P.O.V •
        'Who is that?' I think to myself as I climb on the bus behind him. Is he a...girl? This strange kid sure had the body type of one. "Hey!" I called out, making him jump a little. He turned towards me, "H-Hi?" He mumbled. "What's your name?" I ask, sitting in a seat and pulling him into it with me without thinking. "A-Alois." Huh, Alois seemed nervous. Was it his first day? He seemed to have read my exact thoughts, "It's my first day." I smiled at him, "So, you don't know anyone from this area?" I asked. "Nope." Was his simple, flat reply. The bus got going and we were off to school.
•Third person P.O.V•
              Alois could feel the tension in the air through the entire ride to school. As they parked in parking lot of the school, he dashed off the bus quickly, not saying a word to Ciel. Ciel was left starstruck and a little hurt by that. Didn't he want friends? It seemed weird that a new kid didn't want any friends. He ran after him, "Alois!" Turns out the blonde dropped his book on the bus.
             Alois stopped in his tracks, not turning to face him. "Yes?" Ciel walked around him to be facing him, holding out the book for him to take, "You d-dropped this." He smiled, blushing a bit. 'Idiot, why are you blushing!?' He looked down at his feet as Alois gave him a questionable gaze. The blonde took the book back and for a split second, their hands touched. Ciel felt his heart pounding fast, the blush on his face brightening. That's the moment when he knew.

'I'm your biggest fan.'

             Two months had passed since Alois came to the school. How did two months go by so fast? Time flies when you don't care abut anything but a gorgeous blue-eyed blonde, huh? Ciel had been, um, following the blonde. Stalking sounded like a harsh word. He just loved the blonde. That's how he worked, he fell hard and fast for someone that pleased him at first sight. Over the week, the bluenette had been writing Alois's name all over his notebook and taking pictures of him. He desperately wanted to ask him out, but didn't know how. He tapped his fingers impatiently as the blonde took his seat next to him, trying to think of a way to ask him out. "H-Hey." He mumbled to the blonde. "Hi!" Alois seemed happy today, what was it? Ciel watched as the blonde set the red rose on his desk. Wait, who gave him that!? He was supposed to make a first move. "A girl in my third period gave me this, isn't it sweet?" Alois blushed. "Mhm." He mumbled through gritted teeth, "A-Anyways, I was wondering, do you wanna...hang out this weekend?" He mumbled, a blush forming on his face already. Alois thought for a moment, "Yes, I would. I'm home alone and it gets pretty boring when you're alone." He laughed nervously.
         'Wait, did he say he was gonna be home alone? This is perfect!' Ciel thought excitedly. The rest of class went on without a problem, but when Alois did get up to go to the bathroom during, Ciel took the rose and tore it up, throwing it away after and leaving Alois confused.

‘I’ll follow you until you love me.’

       Later that day, Ciel saw Alois in the hallway. "Alo!" He smiled, walking towards him and handing him a slip of paper which had his number on it. "Just meet me outside of school after, okay?" Ciel had said it all so fast that Alois only processed half of it. The rest of the day went by without a problem, well, except for Ciel yelling and chasing away any girl that dared to look at Alois. At the end of the day, Alois walked out to the courtyard, looking around for Ciel. Ciel watched him walk out and gushed over him before whistling to get his attention, when it worked, Alois ran over to his car and smiled as he got near to him. The bluenette wanted to make sure he was comfortable, "May I take your bag?" He asked softly, already taking it off of him and putting it in the back seat. After they got settled in the car, they drove off to Ciels house.

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