fangirls are crazy

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Ty: were here with another dare

Adam: I wanna read it

Ty: no

Adam: but-

Jason: nope ty's job

Ty: yeah ty's job anyways this time it's for you and mitch

Mitch: yes! Finally I'm needed!

Ty: the dare is for you and Adam to run into a group of fangirls

Mitch: oh no

Adam: I quit

Ty: no quitting

Mitch: but they're scary!

Jerome: too bad

Ian: grow some dude

Adam: ughhhhhh fuuuck I don't want to do this

Mitch: I don't wanna either

Seto: oh just do it

Mitch: fiiiiine

Quinten: *laughs* then go

Mitch: LEZZ GOOOOO OOOOOHHHH *runs into the crowd*

Adam: *follows* OH DEAR GOD

Ty: *laughs*

Seto: they'll be back next time

Jerome: anyways leave a like

Ian: a truth

Quinten: or dare

Tyler: dare me something please I'm boooooreed

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