More Secrets

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Ashley’s p.o.v

I ran upstairs with tears clouding my visions. Why is Ricky acting like this? I ran into the guest ran and laid on the bed. I heard a door squeak open and jack came into the room with only a pair of shorts on. “Is everything ok?” he asked try to pull his shirt over his head.

I look up and him and anger flashes across his eyes. “You can’t be mad at me too.” I say as I let another tear fall.

I expected him to yell at me or tell me to get out but instead he laid next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I got chills from his touch and he covers me up with the blanket. After I explained what happened he stood up and ran down stairs slamming the door on his way out.

Once he was gone I got up and walked across the wall to Connor’s room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed writing in one of his notebooks. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. “You know this isn’t going to change anything between us right?” he asks laying down him pen and grabbing my hand.

“Yeah I know but it’s just going to suck having to drive over here every day to see you.” I say with a sigh at the end.

“You don’t have to worry about that well just have to cut back on how much we see each other.” He looked at me to make sure he didn’t say the wrong thing. I nodded and laid back in his bed exhausted. He laid down next to me pulling me into his strong chest.

After a few minutes we heard someone yell from down stairs, “she’s only 17!” when Connor heard that he sat up.

“Your only 17?” he asked looking down at me as I laid in bed.

I didn’t understand why it mattered but I answered anyway. “Yeah, I’ll be 18 in two weeks July 6th.”

He started to look less tense. “Listen Ashley it’s really important that no one finds out that we did anything till a week or so after your birthday ok?” he asked. But all I could do was stare at him, “Ash I’m 21, it’s illegal for us to have sex. If anyone was to turn us in I would go to jail.”

“Does that mean we have to stop dating till then?” I started to fill tears in my eyes.

I grabbed me and pulled me back into him. “No it just means that were going to have to be sure not to get caught.” He said winking at me in his usual fashion. 

I look up at him and kiss him before standing up and locking the door. I walk back to the bed taking off my wet dress and slipping into one of his old shirts. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. When I got back in bed he laid me on my back and started kissing my neck. I let out a muffled moan as he found my sweet stop. This is going to be a fun two weeks.

Ricky Dillon's Little Sister (O2L fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن