Chapter 5

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Okay cool, okay bool I love her I'mma save her, yes, like Danny Glover I'mma call my papi for her fuckin' mother I pass them a molly, now they kiss each other
Every time I fuck I gotta hit me le like 2 bitches
Boy that dope he whipped, you need like new wrists
Foreign car outside that bitch got 2 digits
Money stand like 8 feet just like 2 midgets ♬
Everyone was rapping to the song as more people came into the gym. It was packed with college students & a few outsiders. Isaiah was chilling on the bench talking to Tony & Joey before game time.
"Yoooo this shit too packed! ." , Tony said with excitement. Joey agreed. "forreal bruh, we finna show out tonight. " , he responded.
Isaiah was still pissed he was sitting out for the 4th quarter. But he was still in beast mode. Coach approached the team. "alright guys have ya seen Ronnie? " , he asked all of em. They all said nah. Coach walked away irritated. Isaiah smirked to himself. "that nigga better not show up." Isaiah said.
Ziana jogged over to Isaiah & jumped on his lap. "you better killem out there baby. ", she whispered in his ear before softly biting his earlobe and kissing his neck. "You already know ima go Ham on they ass bae!" Ziana laughed. "Alright baby do ya thang. " She was about to walk away until Isaiah grabbed her arm. "Ion get no good luck kiss?" She giggled and kissed his soft lips. "Good luck baby. " Ziana yelled out to him while running back to the other side of the gym.
Ziana sat on the bleachers with her girls lowkey looking around for Ronnie.
'his first game and he's not even here.'  she thought to herself shaking her head.

Ronnie jumped inside the passenger seat of Jumbo's car wearing all black.
"iight man, let's do this shit." Ronnie said to Jumbo. Jumbo looked at him like he was crazy. "Nigga you don't run shit round here, we go when I'm ready to go." Jumbo demanded. Ronnie sucked his teeth and glanced at his watch. He wanted this to go quick and smooth so he would make it in time for his play in 4th quarter at the basketball game. Ronnie sat impatiently in the car while Jumbo was on the phone. 5 minutes later, they finally drove off to their destination. Every minute Ronnie looked at his watch. "Damn nigga, fuck you in a rush for?" , Jumbo smirked. "Man Jumbo, you know I gotta game to go to. Where the fuck we pose' to meet this nigga at? , Ronnie was getting pissed. They pulled up to a factory building and Jumbo killed the engine. He looked over at Ronnie. "Before we make this move, make sure yo ass strapped. Front and back my nigga. Any shit can pop off. Let's go." Ronnie nodded and they both jumped out the car.
It was quiet. Too quiet. Ronnie and Jumbo cautiously looked around their surrounding. 3 black tinted Range Rovers pulled up. The middle car door opened. Slowly exiting his car with a guard beside him stood Gino.
Ronnie glanced at Jumbo, who was ready for anything to pop off. Gino walked up halfway to Ronnie and Jumbo and stared at them.
Ronnie was getting irritated by the minute. He wanted this shit to be over already.
"Let me see the cash first. " Gino said. Jumbo held up the briefcase.
"All 300 G's right here." Jumbo said holding tight on the money. Gino's guard gave him a Duffel bag that held the whole 9 yards. Cocaine to Meth to Weed to Molly's and many other shit that can get you high.
Ronnie noticed something odd from the other 2 cars. He squinted his eyes and saw the car doors slowly open. Before he knew it all doors popped open and guns started firing. "Ohhh shit!" Him and Jumbo quickly ducked to the floor grabbing their guns. Ronnie shot 4 guys while Jumbo hit 3 down. Gino was firing his piece to. He hit Jumbo in his leg. Jumbo fell to the ground & cried out in pain. "Ahhhhhhhh fuck!" , Jumbo yelled out. Ronnie hit the other 2 niggas who was shooting. It was him and Gino left. "You a real bitch nigga!" , Ronnie yelled out to him while still ducking. "Fuck man, I gotta get to a hospital nigga. Finish dat nigga off bruh!" , Jumbo barked at Ronnie. Before he knew it Gino jumped in his car and sped off. Ronnie fired his gun at the car making the windows shatter but it was too late.. Gino took off .. leaving the Duffel bag full of drugs on the ground. "Damn! " Ronnie yelled out. He quickly ran to Jumbo and carried him to the car. He ran back out to grab the Duffel bag and the briefcase of money. Ronnie jumped in the driver seat with Jumbo in the backseat all bloody.
"Are you fuckin serious Ronnie! Why you ain't get dat nigga before he got away. " Jumbo coughed out blood. "nigga I'm taking yo ass to the hospital.. we'll figure dat shit out later. "
10 minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. Ronnie helped Jumbo out the car and ran in. "I need a doctor now, right fucking now." Ronnie shouted. Nurses and doctors came out to assist Jumbo. "ahh fuck man!" Ronnie sat in the waiting area with his hands in his face. Then it clicked!  He quickly shot his head up and ran out the hospital. He totally forgot bout the game.

BOOM! Isaiah made a dunk. The crowd went wild. They were in the lead. 56 - 45. Third quarter was almost over. "Timeout!" the commentator yelled out. Isaiah's team ran out to their Coach. "alright, there's still no sign of Ronnie, so Isaiah this is your chance. " "Coach you know I got this man." Isaiah said. Coach looked at him. "Aight Joey pass the ball to Tony and Tony you do those crazy crossovers I like." Coach laughed making the whole team laugh. Tony was good at crossovers. He made niggas fall to the ground when he tricked them up. "And Isaiah, you know what to do. All you guys doing good out there. We can finish this and win." ,Coach cheered the team. "Let's go!" The team parted ways back on the court.

5 minutes into the 4th quarter , Ronnie ran in the locker room. He rinsed off real quick , washing away the blood that stained his body. He deeply sighed as he pulled up his shorts and jersey. He jogged out the locker room.

"Coach!" , Ronnie yelled out to him as he made his way over to the Coach. 

"Ronnie where the hell you been!? I'm so close to kicking you off this team son." 

"Nah coach I got caught up in something, my bad.. I can still play." Ronnie pleaded.

Coach sighed. " ok .. ok , get ready , you going in." 

Tony passed the ball to Isaiah and he ran down the court and threw the ball to the net. SWOOSH! The ball went in. 

Isaiah turned around and saw Ronnie smirking. "Isaiah come here!" Coach yelled out. Isaiah quickly jogged to him. "Ronnie is gonna take over now. You played well son."

"nah Coach i got this , aint no need to stop now." Isaiah was doing so well he didnt want to leave the court. Ronnie stood up. "Na bruh. I got this." Ronnie ran on the court. "Man what the fuck Coach! The game almost over. He aint got shit to prove." Isaiah sat on the bench cussing. 

Ziana sat on the other side looking over at Isaiah , wishing he would calm down. "Cmon Isaiah , just chill." She said out loud.

3 mintues left in 4th quarter and Ronnie was going in! Making every basket . The crowd was cheering him. As time was ticking , Ronnie dribbled the ball looking his opponent in the eye. Everybody in the gym stood up from their seat to watch what he was gonna do. The score was 90-89. Still dribbling the ball , Ronnie acted as if he was about to go left but quickly turned right making the other team player lose his balance. He ran to the basket full speed and BOOM! He made a perfect dunk in.

The time buzzer went off and the crowd went crazy! Everybody was screaming Ronnie's name.

Isaiah sat on the bench mad af. That should've been him getting all the praise. 


Alright guys , i finally updated. But im doing this at school right now. My next period is in a couple mintues. So ill probably update again tomorrow. Dont forget to comment & VOTE. 

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