The new nurse...

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I then tried to get up out of the bed, it was a struggle..

I tried to lift my left leg but I didn't get very far, I could hardly move it I noticed I had a massive bandage around each shin, I then thought it's probably best to just leave it as it is so I don't damage anything anymore that it already is.

I look over to my right and see a bright white light outside a window.

I was so curious as to why it seemed so bright, I then decided 'stuff my legs I'm sure they aren't that bad' I then tried to shuffle my legs off to the side of the bed, I then notice that there is a wheelchair about 3 meters away from my bed if I need it.

So there I was...looking at a window that I couldn't get to but I could see, I couldn't be bothered asking for help so I just tried to walk by myself.

As I attempt to slip off the bed and onto my feet instead I slipped off and fell flat on the floor, hitting it hard.

Then the ringing came back and that was all that I could hear and the pain in my legs comes back in full force.

I try to pull myself towards the wheelchair chair that was now just ahead of me.

I reach the chair so I try to lift myself up onto it but as I do I made the mistake of looking down to see my legs bending and curving half way down my shin and I think to myself "what the heck have I done?".

I am now in the wheelchair however so it's ok..I no longer have to bare the pain of walking.

He then wheeled his way over to the bright window and the closer he got the more he could see all of a sudden he could see the outside world he could see he was on the third story of the hospital and that there was more of the hospital to his left and to his right which made the whole building look like it was in the shape of a u and he was facing out between the two sides, however in the middle he could see a vibrant garden full of plants that were pink, purple and red it was like a Japan garden.

It was so beautiful and immaculate it almost took away the thought of why I was in there.

I noticed there was a huge Japanese maple just outside my window it was a vibrant magenta colour and the top was just at the bottom of my window that I was looking out of.

I imagined I was a bird and I could just take off, with no problems in my life, no restrictions, no concerns, nothing..

"Man that would be great!" I thought to myself.

I would love that but maybe it's just the heavy medication just kicking in and giving my imagination a little boost.

I then looked a little bit higher to see a tall mountain, I couldn't help but gaze at its beauty, it was a tall mountain with a snowy top.

It was now when I was really thinking "dam this is some strong medication, stuff doesn't normally look this pretty unless I have been drinking"

It then hit me...'well what if I had been drinking and I was the reason there was a crash? What if I distracted them or bumped them? was I the reason my friends are dead?'

"Are you ok over there mr kelly?" the nurse yelled, it was the same nurse as before

"yea ,yea i'm fine..just having a look around" I said

""Oh ok.." said the nurse in an increasingly joyful voice as she walked over to turn off the equipment next to my bed.

It was now that I got to clearly see her for the first time.

She had long brown hair that had little twirls through it that went down about halfway down her back.

She also had the most radiant blue eyes that shon out from her palish face.

She was so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes.

"I then quickly flick back to the view to pretend i'm not staring at her, it was hard to stop looking, for some reason my hands got really clammy and my mouth felt dry. I also felt sweaty and realised how smelly I actually was.

"It's a really nice view isn't it.." she said

I looked back at her to talk to her face to face only to realise she was right behind me and it was then when I remembered I was in a wheelchair and I had to look up to her face.

"oh ah....yea, yea it is, its very nice...Ï like it because of all the bright trees and bushes it really makes you feel happy" I said

"Oh yea yea it does although I was happy to start with so yea..anyway is there anything I can get you?"

"No im fine thanks..I just want to get home and see my family"

"Well I could get you the patient discharge papers if you would like and I could help get a taxi for you because I know you can't drive well for now anyway" as soon as she said that I thought is this the best option I mean I could go home and it might help me find out what happened or should I stay here and make sure I get some rest and relax for a not sure.

"Ah yes please if you don't mind" after I said that she rushed out of the room to grab them for me.

She then returned with the papers just as quick as she left but as she was walking into the room I caught her writing something on the back but I pretended I didn't notice

"Here you go mr.kelly your patient discharge papers" once I saw the title I thought to myself should I stay or should I go?

End of chapter 2

Btw sorry for the lack of uploads recently I had broken my phone recently and it was my main way to write story's and after a few complications i've finally got a new phone so you can be expecting more uploads from me including a double upload every 19th of every month now this could be two chapters of the same story or for two different stories or maybe something new who knows anyway let me know in the comments if he you think he should stay or go

Also sorry for such a short chapter

Anyway have a good one!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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