Chapter 2: Shiny But Dangerous

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"I would like to state that I am not very impressed with your behaviour. It has been known that some of you are starting to take advantage of this school. Just because some of your parents are wealthy and have helped the school in more than one way doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, whenever you want."

"Rules are made for a reason and I expect you to follow them. If I catch one more student committing an act of rebellion I will no longer hesitate to take action. That is all from me, you may leave now."


I thought she was going to talk through the whole period. Who knew that yesterday's little fiasco could actually offend the principal that much.

I swung my bag around my shoulders and started walking away not wanting to waste any more time at the assembly.

Let's see, I have first period with Lexi so...

Where is she?

I looked around and she was nowhere to be found.

We were supposed to meet here. Did she went ahead? Without me?

And I thought we were friends.

I continued to drag my pitiful self to class but stopped dead when I saw Mr Craig, our discipline teacher walking down the hallway.

And he does not look happy.

I did a mental debate on whether or not I should hide in one of the lockers.

"Miss Anderson." His voice echoed with a strange sense of unpleasantness as he approached me. "Lucky I bumped into you. I need help with something and I hope you're willing to follow me to my office for some... judgement."

"Judgement?" I questioned.

"Yes, you see the school would not allow me to take any disciplinary actions without solid... evidence." He said the word in disgust.

Yup, should have hid in the locker when I had the chance.

Mr Craig motioned at me to follow him as he led me to his office. Once we reached there, I could hear arguments coming from the inside.

"Why am I even here? I already told you he's the one who started it!" I heard someone say as I entered the room.

"Silence!" Mr Craig yelled causing everyone to jump in surprise including me.

"Now, since I have gathered enough witnesses let us begin the trials shall we?" He took a seat in his chair and stared at us with his beady little eyes.

Wait. Did he say trials? Is this a school or a courthouse?

"Mr Dash, since you have so much to say, how about you start first."

Hulk– I mean, Mr Dash, blinked a few times before regaining his confidence and started yelling, again. "First of all, I don't see why I'm here in the first place. He–" he pointed at hoodie boy who I now just noticed was also here, "started the whole thing when he picked a fight with me and my bros so it's his fault not mine."

Hulk seemed proud of what he said even though the excuse sounded more like a 5 year old's complaint rather than an actual argument. I turned my attention to hoodie boy expecting some sort of reply or a rebuttal but he just stood there, leaning against the wall not bothering to defend himself.

"Well Mr Woods? Anything?" Mr Craig sounded bored. Judging from his impatient behaviour, I'm convinced he's only here to punish teenagers rather than actually preventing incidents like this from happening again in the future.

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