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Dipper looked up at the number on the door. 611, his dorm room. He took a deep breath, adjusted his over-the-shoulder bag, tugged at his shirt, and knocked on the door. A black-haired girl with round glasses answered the door.

"May I help you?" She asked with some sort of accent.

"Uh, yes, I believe this is my dorm room," Dipper said nervously, "611."

"Oh," The girl looked confused, "I thought Backupsmore did not allow boys and girls to share dorms."

Dipper's cheeks flared red and he coughed slightly.

"Right, I-I guess I must have been registered as a female," He mumbled, "I-I'm transgender, so I'm a boy, but I guess..."

"Oh, that is fine," The girl smiled and stepped aside for Dipper to enter, "Come on in. What is your name?"

"Um, Dipper Pines," He introduced, a wave of relief washing over him. She doesn't think I'm a freak, he thought. He looked around at the spare mechanic parts lying around, "And you are...?"

"Candy Chiu," The girl said, "Sorry for the mess. I am a bit of an inventor."

"Oh no, it's alright," Dipper grinned, "I'm not the most organized person either. So, which bed is mine?"

"You can take the one on the left," Candy informed, pointing to the empty bed. It was covered in an old sheet (it probably used to be white when it was first bought) and had a thin pillow at the head, "I haven't gotten around to spraying it for bugs yet, so there might be a few."

Dipper grimaced at seeing a cockroach crawl over the bedsheets. He set his bag down at the foot of the bed and flicked the bug off.

"Mind if I borrow that bug spray?" He asked, glancing at the can on Candy's bedside table.

"Sure," Candy grinned again and tossed it to Dipper. He blushed slightly, noticing just how cute his new roommate was.

Why me? He thought miserably.

College: A Dandy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now