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Dipper was in the library, studying and writing down notes. As Candy approached the working boy, she counted in her head how long he had been here.

Thirteen hours, fifteen minutes, and twenty-two seconds. 

"Dipper?" Candy spoke softly. Dipper jumped slightly, looking up at his roommate and adjusting his pine tree hat.

"Oh, hi Candy," he greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"Making sure you do not starve yourself," Candy frowned, crossing her arms. "Have you eaten at all today?" Dipper opened his mouth to answer. "Anything besides a Cup O' Noodles?" He closed his mouth sheepishly. "That's what I thought."

"Candy, really, I'm very busy," Dipper sighed, returning to his work. "I'll be back before midnight."

"It's before midnight right now," Candy argued. She grabbed Dipper's arm and pulled him to his feet. "You have been here for thirteen hours, seventeen minutes, and eleven seconds."

"Have you been counting?" Dipper asked in confusion. Candy blushed and shook her head.

"That is not the point," she said. "You are only supposed to wear your binder for eight hours."

Now it was Dipper's turn to blush, tugging on his shirt.

"I suppose you're right," he mumbled.

"Yes I am," Candy nodded. "Now gather your books and let's go back to the dorm."

"Alright, alright," Dipper sighed. He stacked a few books and papers and carried them in his arms. Candy picked up the rest of the books and work, walking beside Dipper as the two of them left the library. "...I really have been at the library for a while, haven't I?" Candy nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Candy responded. "I know you are just trying to do well."

"Yeah, but I should probably also work on taking care of myself," Dipper said. "Ma- my sister never wanted me to wear my binder for too long..."

"And neither do I!" Candy agreed. The two roommates remained silent for the rest of the walk back to their dorm. Candy unlocked the door, opening it inwards to reveal their room. It was cluttered with books and mechanics. 

An entire wall was dedicated to pictures of nature, ghosts, and strange creatures. There was a small shelf by Dipper's bed that held a book about queer history, as well as several books on the paranormal. Dirty clothes covered Dipper's side of the room, including underwear, shirts, and a binder.

Wires and metal spilled out from under Candy's bed. A couple picture frames stood on her bedside table. One was of her, her parents, and her younger siblings, not long before she began college. Another was of her and Dipper. Candy wrappers littered the floor around her bed, and some were caught in her pastel-pink blanket.

"Now I will make some dinner while you change," Candy said, setting the books down and walking over to the kitchen area. She wrinkled her nose slightly. "And maybe take a shower?"

"I'll think about it," Dipper replied. He grabbed some pajamas (which were really only a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt) and went into the bathroom to change. When he came back out, he tossed his binder on the floor by the other one, running a hand over his messy hair.

"It is your turn to do laundry, by the way," Candy spoke up, starting a pot of mac and cheese.

"I told you, I'm busy!" Dipper protested.

"Dipper Pines!"

The man shrunk under the glare Candy gave him.

"Alright, alright! I'll do a few loads!" He said quickly. Candy smiled and hummed as she continued to cook. 

Dipper busied himself by picking up clothes and dropping them in the laundry basket. He glanced over at his roommate, watching as she happily waited for the water to come to a boil. He blushed and smiled, looking away before realizing that he had filled up the basket.

"Make sure that you wash your binders."

"Hm? Oh, right!" Dipper remembered. He tossed them into the basket and then sat down at the small table. He took a deep breath and stretched, slowly letting it out. He leaned forward on the table, content with watching Candy pour in the mac and cheese. He smiled lightly, feeling his cheeks slowly heat up.

"Your face is red, Dipper," Candy teased, grinning as she turned to face him. Dipper blushed deeper and hurriedly hid his cheeks.

"N-no it's not," he lied. Candy laughed, moving to sit across from him at the table.

"You do not have to be embarrassed, Dipper," she giggled. "I think it is very cute."

"I'm not cute!" Dipper whined from inside his shirt. "I-I'm manly! Girls are cute, not boys!"

"Does that mean you think I am cute?" Candy asked, almost casually, her heart speeding up ever so slightly.

"No- I mean, yes! I mean-" Dipper cringed, balling his hands in his shirt, "you're not not cute!"

"Well that is something," Candy laughed. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you are very manly."

"R-really?" Dipper grinned. "Thanks!"

"You are welcome," Candy giggled again. The two of them sat talking until the oven timer went off and Candy got up to get the mac and cheese. She scooped it into two bowls and set one in front of Dipper, taking the other for herself.

"Ah, mac and cheese," Dipper grinned jokingly. "One of the easiest, quickest meals to make."

"To being broke college students!" Candy smiled, holding up her spoon. Dipper chuckled and tapped his spoon to hers before he began eating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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