Your first argument

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"No y/n It's to dangerous." Rebekah said as she hurriedly packed her bags.

Let me explain what's going on, Rebekah has been asked by here brother Klaus to retrieve an object from a small town in Virginia called mystic falls and you want to come along but Rebekah didn't want you to.

"But why Becks if there's two of us we can get the job done faster." You try to convince Rebekah.

Rebekah turns to you with a ferice look of warning on her face.

"YN!!!... you are not coming , you will be of no assistance and will be a distraction, and I don't need to be distracted if you can't defend yourself so will you please shut up and pass me my toothbrush."

Her words slice through you like a knife. You stand up throwing the top u where holding onto the bed.

" you know what pack your own suitcase because obviously I'm to much of a distraction see ya when you get back."

And with that you storm out of the room.

"Y/N wait" but it was to late you were already gone.

Hayley :

"Please Hayley let me help you." You plead with Hayley as she is lying in a pool of dead witches.

She looks at me fresh blood dripping down her face.

" I've just had to give up my daughter Because of this lot I'm not going to stop till they pay for what they've done."

You lay a hand on her shoulder but she shrugs you off.

"Hayley you've killed 1/4 of the witch population i think they know not to mess with you anymore." You try to reason with her but she turns to you with a look of hate.

"How dare you, I've lost the most important thing to me and you think think they've been punished enough."

You push away the pain of that comment knowing that she is grieving and try to focus on the topic at hand.

"Yes But althoughs who were involved with it are dead so why must you kill of the witches that haven't done anything."

You words may not of been the brightest for next thing you know you've got a hand around your throat, you look at Hayley realising it's her hand.

" you are siding with them, who would know it, I can see where your loyalties lie, but right now I have the strong urge to kill you." And with that she slammed you head against the rock and ran of leaving you with a cut on your forehead.

Cami :
i was walking into cami house to surprise her for her birthday.

I knocked on the door but no one came so I got the spare key out of the flowerpot.

I whispered to myself once I relized the house was dark.

The floor board creeked above me. I slowly walked up the steps to her room. i opened the door and saw cami and klaus kissing.

"what the-" I said and they both looked at me, cami already crying.

"Y/N I'm-" I cut Her off.
"save it" I said walking out of her room.
"please don't leave me" she yanked my arm back, tears falling down her face.

"I'm sorry cami but I'm breaking up with you" I yanked my arm back and walked out the front door, letting my tears fall.


"How could you be so stupid Y/N " Davina shouts at you as your walking into your bedroom.

You'd tried to make Davina proud by going after the witches that have tried to hex her however they were more powerful than you were and most likely would of killed you go Davina hadn't saved your life.

"I was just trying to help."

"Well stop before you get yourself killed like your mum did"

As soon as she said it she looked sorry but the damage was already done.

She knew that your mums death was a very touchy subject.

"You know what Davina , I want you to leave , and don't come back."

She tried to apologise but you weren't listening realising she was not gonna get through to you she left.

You spent the rest of the night crying.

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