The Tree

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This story was written by my best friend so I don't own the story line or the characters but I do hope you enjoy.

It was just after dinner as Amy and her friend Madison were playing in the forest just outside Amy's house. "Let's play hide and seek!" said Madison, "I'll hide, and you seek." As she ran off, Amy turned around, covered her eyes and started counting.

When Amy finished, she started looking for Madison, but after a few minutes she started getting worried because she couldn't find her. As it started getting dark Amy called out to her friend in worry "Madison it's getting dark, we should go back to my house!"

With no response she continued, "Madison! I give up! you win! Let's go home!" Amy continued pleading with Madison to come out as she walked deeper and deeper into the forest. It was dark, Amy was tired and hungry, but worst of all she was lost.

Her hunt for Madison had gotten her lost in the woods outside her house. All of a sudden, Amy had heard the whistle of the wind, no, it was more like a whisper, a quiet voice beckoning her forward. 

"Amy..." the quiet voice said, "Rest your feet Amy, you're tired." "Yes I am." Amy replied barely able to keep her eyes open. Without realizing it, Amy almost about to collapse from hunger and exhaustion, walked into a clearing. In the center center of the clearing was a very old, very large withered tree. As she walked closer to that tree, Amy felt even more tired, she collapsed in the tangle of roots at the tree's base and fell asleep.

Twenty years later, at Amy's old house, a new family moved in with a ten year old girl. This girl was Alice, she was mature for her age, she took care of herself most of the time because her parents were always working. As she was unpacking boxes the phone rang, "Weird." she said, for their family didn't give their new number to anyone yet.

She picked up the phone, "Hello?" she said into the receiver. No one answered, just as she was about to hang up the phone she heard the whistle of the wind, no it was more like whisper, a quiet voice "Alice..."

Alice hung up the phone in a quick violent movement. As it was getting dark Alice went to bed because she was tired from all the unpacking she did. Just before she fell asleep Alice heard a door slam, knowing her parents come home around this time she thought nothing of it, until she heard familiar voice, "Alice..."

'It's the strange voice on the phone this afternoon' she thought. Alice could tell the voice was in the house, "Alice..." and it was coming closer. She opened the window of her bedroom and jumped into the bushes below. She could hear the voice in her room, "Where did you go Alice?". Alice ran not knowing where she was going.

She was terrified, her thoughts were crowded so much she didn't look where she was going.

"How did the voice get in the house?"

"How does the voice know my name?"

"Why is the voice after me?" 

"Who does the voice belong to?"

All of sudden Alice heard footsteps behind her, she turned around, but there was no one there, but there was a voice. "Alice, why are you running away from me?" Alice ran faster and even deeper into the forest than she had already been.

Suddenly she came upon a clearing in the woods, in the center of clearing was a very old, very large, withered tree. In the center of the tree was a large hole, large enough for a small person to fit inside, so that is where she hid.

The forest was silent, not a sound, not even a single bird's song. Suddenly two hands pulled Alice deeper into the tree trunk like there was no end to it, she blacked out. Alice woke up a little uncomfortable, she was lying on something rough. When she opened her eyes, she saw she was lying on one of the tree branches of the old tree.

Still drowsy from her blackout she jumped down to the ground for she was not that high off the ground. She waited for the the impact of the ground, but it never came instead she started choking...............................................................................................................................






And there Alice hung from the tree with the rest of the unfortunate children.

The end

Tell me in the comments what you think happened to Amy and Madison. I'd like to hear what you think.

The Tree #Watty2017Where stories live. Discover now