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"What do you mean there was blood on the floor?" Cora's voice trembled as she whispered the words to him.

"Just like I said, I was walking to the showers, and I found myself standing in a puddle- more of a trail really- of blood." he stated in a hushed tone, getting tired of having to explain it to her over and over again. Cora shivered and bit her lip, fearful thoughts clouding her mind. Shaking her head, she changed the subject quickly.

"So what happened?" she asked,

"Nothing!" he protested yet again, waving his hand as he dismissed the topic that she so dearly was curious in.


He sighed and pushed himself up from the flimsy lunch-hall's chair he sat on. "Why do you want to know so badly, Cora?"

"Because," her cheeks turned a marvelous color of bright pink. "I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt."

Niall's gaze softened, his own face tinting a deep shade of red.. "Sorry, C. Okay, I'll tell you." He took a deep breath and pushed himself up so he sat on top of the uneven table, but only after casting a fearful glance at the guards who, wearing the denim uniforms, were lined against the walls with their eyes blankly staring at all the patients having meals. Cora leaned in so she could hear him better. He cleared his throat and started, their eyes pouring into one another's.


It was two nights ago. Remember- the night when we didn't get to talk because they sent me to the therapist and you were in solitary confinement for not eating the breakfast meal. Anyways, when "therapy" was done and I walked back to my room, I sat on my bed because I felt really tired. But I couldn't go to sleep. Then I started hearing this noise. It was quiet, and it sounded like a voice, a high one. I looked out through the bars and I realized Joseph wasn't there anymore, instead was one of those substitute guards. So I snuck out, and followed the noise. It was coming from Level 3, Ward C. It was really hard to get in, because of all the guards but then I saw it."

"What?" Cora whimpered.

"Where the blood was coming from. It was coming from 2 people: Ms. Kelley and Mrs. Harrison. They were dead." his voice faltered and he looked like he was about to cry, as if the nurses mangled bodies were right before him now."

"It was horrible, Cora, truly horrible. All that blood and-" he broke off, as tears began to stream down his cheeks, which were splotched with red.

Cora grabbed his hand in hers, squeezing tightly onto it in a reassuring, caring manner.

"It's alright. Niall." she murmured into his tear-soaked t shirt.

They hold on tightly, that is, until someone cleared their throat, making them jolt apart eyes wide.

sorry i didn't update sooner! please comment what you think will happen next and what you like about this story



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