Happy Valentines

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"Wow! This was a surprise ! Never thought you were a "I don't celebrate Valentines" kind of guy." She confessed, while he pulled her chair.

"Ha ha, I am not, but you are, you love these things right? So this one is for you.." He replied honestly. Not completely honest though. He wasn't here for some date and definitely not for Valentine. He had totally different motives.

"Thank you so much for this.... ummmmmm......." She was so exited that she was running out of words.

He saw her eyes, the excitement, the eagerness, the zeal, the emotion... which he knew wouldn't last by the end of this date. He smiled, but a fake one. It was hard for anyone to differentiate between his fake and real smile. Gradually he has mastered the art.

"So what's the plan for the night?"

"Nothing as such, you know I am not good at this, so better you take charge and continue from here. I have ordered starers and drinks, you take care of the rest."

"Why are you sitting there, why don't you join me here?" She called him to share the sofa.

He did as asked, although he was dying to sit next to her, was dying to touch her, was dying to hold her... but against his will, he sat across the table, bcoz keeping distance initially was the part of his plan. And everything was going according to his plan.

So he sat besides her, and leaned to rest his back.

She took his hand and firmly placed it on her's. He looked at her, gazed into her eyes and smiled. Not sure if he wanted to or was forcing it to make her happy or bcoz he wasn't ready to explain what was in his mind.

Drinks and starers were served. Menu arrived, they ordered, dinner done. It was about 11pm.

"So... We have almost 1 hour left for our first valentine."

She was still very excited, she had taken hundreds of selfies and was planing to show it to her roommates and friends. But he took her off guard with a sudden change in his tone. She dropped her phone and stared straight into his eyes to concentrate, which was the need of the hour.

"Uuummm hmm... So you have something in your mind han? I can sense it in your tone"

"Hmmm kind off... whats your plan?"

"Ummmm nothing as such... dinner is already done, I will just head back and sleep, if you have any plans, you can let me know"

"What about your office tomorrow?"

"That wont be an issue, you tell me what is going on your head?"

"Well... I have some stuff in my car, wanted to smoke it with you... and go for a long drive may be.." That was his plan... he just kept his fingers crossed and hoped she agreed to this.. He had been planning to this for a long time.

"Ya sure, why not, But what about the thullas? You are already drunk, and you want to smoke more?"

"Dont worry I will take you someplace quite and will drop you at your place by 2, so you can call your roommates and let them know"

She texted her roommates: "Celebrating Valentines at Parikrama at CP :* :* :* will go for a drive after this. Will be there by 2."

And in the mean time, he checked his phone, he had only one message from his best friend, who knew everything about his plans.

"Whats going on" Read the text.

"Everything is going according to plan"

"You sure you want to do this?"

Happy ValentinesWhere stories live. Discover now