Chapter 1- Five Girls

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I was made out of pure madness of my parents. I'm not human nor do I ever believe I will. I've seen things that no one else seen. I've been through things no one else imagines going through. My parents were mad when it came to their finding. It consumed their life's day and nigh. Sun up to sun down.

I was born for the soul purpose of a experiment. An experiment that they would never get to see work. Their professor found out what they were doing. He was already against it. But when he found out who they were doing it on he pulled the plug on them. If your wondering they're behind bars.

Me they confined me in a radiation room for three months straight trying to undo what what my parents did to me. It didn't work, it only made my cells absorb the radiation making me more dangerous. No one knew exactly what my parents tested on me. They won't tell anyone either.

I'm the only one that knows what they did to me. But I haven't told the world because something like that would freak the world out. I would probably be sent away to some desert and put to sleep and put under ground somewhere. Or be driven away for some war project.

That was five years ago. I was ten years old. Now I'm 15 turning 16 in one month. My birthday is March 27. Where am I now you may ask. Well once the government got ahold of me they all decided I wasn't safe to say where I was. I could be harmed or harm others. Highly rare of that.

So they dumped me off at a camp somewhere. I was blindfolded when they sent me here. They thought I would want to come back and get revenge on them. Hell I didn't want to be in the same state as them. So I've been at this camp for five years. All year round. The winter is the worst.

Spring and fall are ok. Some people come here for a couple weeks. But it's the summer I get most excited about. Everyone from everywhere comes here and stays for the whole summer. We have games and competitions. The last night here we have a big bonfire and just reflect on everything.

I'm usually doing things so I don't really interact with the people. I mostly stay to myself. Also when they did the experiment on me they messed with my DNA. So I have so problems. Dyslexic and lack of social skills. Also I'm just generally anti social. I've never liked the idea of hanging out.

"Chloe there you are. I have great news for you," Shawn the camp director says walking up the hill to where I'm standing. I look away from the water and turn towards Shawn. He has a blue shirt sleeve shirt on with tan shorts and sneakers. Also he has his camp whistle and clipboard.

Shawn is in charge of this camp along with Demi, Nick, Selena, and Bea. Bea is the newest out of all them. "Demi, Nick and I have decide that you should be a kid this summer. Be one of the campers instead of a worker," Shawn says putting his knees on his legs. Yeah I go to the highest hills so it's hard.

"I'm I don't know. I like being a worker and that's one less person to worry about," I shift from foot to foot. Shawn gives me a frown and drops his clip board. He walks over to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "You can be a kid Chloe," he chuckles shaking my shoulders.

Shawn is like a big brother to me. He knows me better than I know myself. But no one knows why I came here. The person who dropped me off just said I had family issues. Demi and Nick who are in charge of this place believed me for the first two years. But after that I could tell they didn't believe it.

"CHLOE!" Shawn yells my name shaking me violently. I blink out of my trace looking at him. He looks at me worriedly but brushes it off. "Anyway Demi told me you would be stubborn about it so you have no choice. Your in cabin seven with five other girls. Here's your bag have fun," Shawn smiles.

He hands me a bag and walk away like that didn't happen. I just stare at the spot for a while taking everything in. Looks like I don't have a choice here. I fling my bag over my shoulder and walk down the hill to cabin three. The closer I get the more nervous I get. I can't do this. I'll turn back.

I'll just say that there wasn't enough space and I wanted to be along. Yeah that sounds good. I turn around only to bump into Demi and Nick. Dang it. "Nope not happening sweet cheeks. Your going to be ok," Demi says turning me around. She pushes me forward and smiles at me.

At the moment I hate them but any other day I love them with all my heart. They're the closet thing I have to a family. There better than family. I walk up to the cabin of course it's the biggest one. Terrified I open the door. There's five girls on the floor laughing at something.

What do I say? I can't do this I should turn back. "Hi there. You must be our special roommate," someone says catching me trying to escape. I mentally curse myself but turn around. What do they mean by special roommate. Did Demi tell them about my problems.

They all get up from the floor and walk over to me. "My names Ally. This is Normani, Dinah, Camila, and Lauren," Ally says pointing at everyone. I nod my head giving them a small wave. I should tell them my name but I'm too petrified to say anything. This is going to be a long summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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