Life Itself

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Life. Is it worth something or is it pointless? This is a question that people sometimes ask. I myself asked this question almost every day. I am tired of people cutting and people committing suicide. Those people make life look worthless. People who cause self-harm don't do them any good, instead they hurt people that are closest to them. I will admit I once thought of suicide myself, but then I realized that life does have a meaning. Life has a meaning because of family, friends, and for some people God. I know that people who cut says it helps but it doesn't. All it does is distract you temporarily, and leaves you with  scars showing people who care that you're harming yourself. It's not right. People don't see a meaning in life because they either don't look for one or they are surrounded by hatred, fear, disappointment, and lack of love. I was one of those that had little love, that was bullied everyday, beaten, cursed, and I was told that I was a failure, but I put as much as possible aside so that I could take care of my siblings. I constantly reminded myself that my dad needed me to take care of my brother and sister. I couldn't afford to cut or kill myself. I had to be there because my mother wasn't and my father wasn't able to. Don't you see? Life does have a meaning. You just have to look for it.

Dear Life,Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora