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I'm nervous as the time for the press conference approaches. Rafe had suspended my etiquette classes and started me on self defense. He's my instructor for the most part. He says that once I need a better teacher then he'll sit back and watch. I doubt that, I think he'll not be able to stay in the room.

I am more ready than I was for the press conference during the riots. I feel more confident, but I am scared. Last time I had anger to talk for me, this time I don't know what questions they'll ask, but knowing reporters they'll ask very personal ones. I doubt that is any different here than on Earth.

"It will be alright," Rafe says coming up to me and pulling me close to him. I kiss him, I love him so much. "It will all be over tomorrow, love."

"What if they decide they hate me?" I'm so nervous that that's what will happen. I'm not them, I don't really understand them, especially the ruling class. The poor I understand. Rafe shouldn't have married me.

"Don't ever say that again Maha. I don't regret my decision and my parents both agree with me on my choice, not that them disagreeing would have made a difference. I've made mistakes though," I feel him tensing. That happens every time he thinks about nearly losing me.

"Stop, Rafe, it's alright, I'm here with you now." I feel him relaxing, I know that he still has nightmares of that time. He's shaking as he holds me.

"I almost lost you and our child, Maha. I'm terrified that I will lose you."

"You didn't though and I'm right here, we're right here." I turn around and hold him to me. He's so strong until it comes to me. I fear that I'm going to be the reason that he dies and that terrifies me.

She's scared, more scared than I've ever seen her except when she took that test when I failed her so spectacularly. I won't fail her like that again.

I help her get ready and escort her down to the press room. Her hand shakes as she places it on my arm. I do the only thing I can for her right now, I kiss her. Her shaking calms down and she manages a smile.

 I take her to the room and get her settled and stand at her side making it well known that I am not going to leave her side. The press starts to filter in and making themselves comfortable. 

"Princess Maha, how did you and Prince Rafael meet?" The questions start coming.

"Prince Rafael was sent to pick me up from Earth after the Other's destroyed everyone there." I give a slight smile.

"Princess Maha,  when did you find out he was a prince?"

"I had no idea who his parents were at first. I was beyond shocked when I found out Commander Depak was his mother. When he told me his father was the king, well I didn't react well."

"What do you mean Princess?" The reporter is relentless.

"I shut down basically. And he shut me out as well. In fact by the time we actually got to Ziamlia I had stopped eating. Commander Depak, assigned Prince Rafe as my personal guard and he was not very happy about losing his post on the flag ship."

"So then what happened? You and the prince have obviously made up." They won't just let up on the personal questions.

"The Princess had a traumatic event and I, well we, helped each other out."

"They say that Princess Maha is expecting your child. How do you know that the child is yours?"

"The child is mine. Princess Maha was innocent when we came together, and I happen to know that no other has been with her. But it wouldn't matter, she is the woman that I love and no matter what I would love her."

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