Chapter 1

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The harsh morning air hits my face as I walk to the bus stop. I see Clair there. That bitch. The winter cold couldn't compete with her heart. I like to avoid her at all costs, so I stand behind her, hoping nothing would distract her from her phone.

Soon the bus arrives, and I enter quickly, taking a seat next to my friend, Elis. Some say she only likes me so that she can copy off of my homework, but she wouldn't do that. One time Clair called us "lesbians" because we were sitting by each other in PE. That rumor spread as fast as fire and ended after about a week or so when I started dating Sam.

The bus was oddly quiet the whole ride, the boys probably watching porn in the back, and the girls probably on Instagram posting pictures of them with their coffee. Elis and I know that was more than likely what was happening. A few seconds later the bus stops, and I realize that we were at the school. I hope this ends fast.


The school day felt like years, rather than hours. Every time I watched the clock move one second, my body would fill up with dread. The bus ride home was almost as bad as the school day.

"What are you doing, skank?" Clair said, as she hit me in the back of the head with her science book. I always hate it when she sits behind me.

"None of your fucking business, now is it?"

"Wow, looks like you're pretty feisty today."

"I bet your boyfriend has never said that to you." My comebacks were always a little childish and not very well thought out. But I would do anything to get her off of my back.

"Don't bring Chris into this," she hissed.

"Whatever, whore." Does she ever stop talking?

Her friends around her laugh at me, as Clair dumps her smoothie all over me, where did it even come from?

"How about that? Huh? Still want to talk shit about me?" She tries to sound intimidating, but fails. I kept a content face, and stay calm. Showing that it didn't affect me.

"But why? It's the highlight of my day!"

She lets out a frustrated groan, and leans back into her seat. I win this round.

"Party at my place tonight," Elis said, handing me an invitation.

"Who all are you inviting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She stared at me with a blank face, she didn't have to tell me who else.

"No Elis, not him."

"But why not? He hasn't done anything to anyone!"

"How about the fact that he almost shot a man. My parents say I'm not allowed to be around him at all, 'cause they think he's a..." I look around to see if anyone was listening in, then I whisper in her ear, "a satanist."

"Whatever I'm still inviting Gavin."

I stare at her with a blank expression, and soon turn my gaze to the back of the bus seat. Was she really going to invite him? If she did I'm not sure I would go... Last time I was at a party with him he set the house on fire.

The bus pulls over on the side walk. Elis and I get out, and start walking to my house.

Once we arrive, Elis immediately went into my closet, and started rummaging through it.

"Can I borrow an outfit for tonight?" she asks with the biggest smile on her face.

I return the smile and say, "knock yourself out."

She squeals like a frightened puppy, and grabs some of my best clothing.

"You ruin those, I will kill you."

"Relax, I take better care of your clothes than you do." Her response making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever, just don't ruin it."

I lay down on the bed and turn on my phone. A news article pops up about our town.

"Breaking news," it starts. "There has been a death in Strongfair at the local school. The killer is said to have green eyes and black hair, about 6 foot 5, and wearing all black. Victim was found dead at the scene, and has been identified as Chris Lievesley, a junior at the school. The homicide is being investigated, and will hopefully be solved soon."

"Holy shit!" I say almost falling off of the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Chris is dead!" I say, turning my head to look at her. Her face turns white, and she calls her brother, Chris' best friend, or old best friend rather.

"I have to go." She leaves with my clothes, sprinting out of the door. She left, thus leaving me and my thoughts.

When left alone I start seeing... things... things that are scary and indescribable. I won't tell my parents, they will either take me to a therapist, priest, or freak out and kick me out, something they've done before when they heard my brother was drinking underage. Being raised strictly Catholic is hard in and of itself, but when you just skim past the rules it seems easier than it actually is. My parents don't hear me swear, if they did, all hell would break loose, and I would be kicked out in a heartbeat.

"Laurencine, honey, we brought you back something!" My mom and dad were home.

"What is it?"

"Come down and see!"

I walk down the stairs and see something I'd never expect to see.

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