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It was a grey winter's day as I gazed at the small window, looking at the sky I noticed a dark clouds approaching. As I started to think every noise around me went quite no talking of children, no chickens. I turned around to see what was for supper and I saw a small empty wooden plate. I turned back to the sky darker again but now gentle rain on the roof dripping on my old ragged clothes. I continued to think about dinner again, the silence spell was cast again. Admittedly, I liked hearing nothing, no noise I could just ponder then "CRACK!" I looked back at ayeth gripping onto the wooden plate in fear you could see it in her face she was scared and you could see every bone in her body.
"you need more food but how?" I said in great fear
"gareth you fool you will get caught if you do it again" ayeth hissed
I walked towards the door as the neighbor walked in.
"Know what you did" he anouced.
"Please dont tell any one about this I will do anything" I pleaded.
"Come outside I need to talk to you" he replied with a grin "I love ayeth and you are not for her, you are a lazy slob the only reason I am letting you get away with this is I cant let her starve because of you" he hissed.
"Ok" I replied with great relief as I walked inside.
"How are we to feed ourselves tonight" Ayeth said in shock.
"The neighbor is letting us have one more chicken" I said hoping she doesn't know it was a lie.
"Ok go get it and I will start dinner" she replied with relief
I snuck out into the neighbors feild hiding behind the red leaf bush and fences. I made it to the hen house as I searched the hen house for the biggest chicken for supper. I was grabbed by a dark figure as I was ripped out of the hen house the figure got easier to identify brown hair and a silver chestplate, it was a guard he flipped me over with brute force and tied up my hands tightly with rope and dragged me towards the sheriff's office. Every pull got more painful hands bleeding I was brought to the sherif on my knees, tall man with a large iron sword attached to his hip
"You will be put in jail for four days then trialed by water.
"NO please" I pleaded as they ripped at the rope cutting my hand even more they untied the rope to reveal the deep rope burn, the pain is unbearable as if they had cut my hands off each day getting more infected yellow puss leaked from my hands I wished I was dead until day four. My trial I woke up my hand were no longer infected and I didn't hurt I looked to the window rusted bars covered them. I looked around I saw Ayeth
"Ayeth help me" I wispered as I saw the neighbor walk up behind her
"She is with me now you disgusting slob" he yelled as they through rotten tomatoes at me I turned around and sat on the ground as a tear rolled down my face time, stood still I looked upon the shadow of the rusty bars it looks like a cross as I got on my knee and prayed
"God forgive me for I have gone against you" I begged as the the door open slowly creaking a man with a black mask over his face
"Who are you" I said in great terror
"Im your executioner today, is your trial" he said with a devilish grin as he pulled me out of the room
"I have two legs and a heartbeat I can walk" I said as I stood up
"Not for long" he chuckled as we walked out the door and to the dunking stool. I heard "your not forgiven for your mistakes"
I nodded my head as I sat on the dunking stool as th executioner grabbed my head I knew what came next. As I took my final breath all the good thing in life flashed before me, I couldn't be more happy to see everything I have achieved. My head went under the water I looked around I slowly lost my eye sight. Darker and darker than nothing.....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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