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We had an eternity that lasted but a moment. You see, both of us lived forever and had forever to think about the other, but only a moment in which we met. It was odd, and I hated it, but it worked. I saw her in my mind, all the time and I knew everything about her off by heart as she and I both grew. I knew what she liked and what she didn't as she tried them, what her favourite song was and her least favourite and she knew mine.

Our whole lives revolved around us knowing each other. I would sit and wonder where she was and what she was thinking about. What her voice and laugh actually sounded like.

Years, decades, centuries passed and she was constantly there in my mind. I knew exactly what she looked like and she was beautiful. She was like an enchanting goddess, more radiant than the sun and her smile even brighter. Her hair was a rich red and tumbled down her shoulders most of the time; she had had it cut short a few times. Her eyes were golden, sparkling and always full of life. Everything about her was wonderful.

I knew she thought of me, I am not sure how I knew, I just knew she did. Centuries passed and I still looked only 17, as did she. We were frozen in time, whilst the rest of the world moved on. I missed her. For my entire life, I missed someone I had never met.

Until one day, we did meet. I saw her in front of me in the crowds in town. Her hair unmissable in the sea of heads. I called her name but she didn't hear me. I fought through the barrier of people, until I was directly behind her. I lifted a hand and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and when her gold eyes met mine, they widened in recognition. The brightest smile I had ever seen appeared on her face, and she jumped into my arms. She cried into my shoulder with happiness. We had found each other. In that second, as we held each other, it was like time didn't exist and it was just us for eternity. An eternity in a moment. Then she pulled away and with the softest of lips, kissed my cheek. She squeezeed my hand tight and spoke. For the first time, I heard her speak.

"I missed you." She said, her voice kind and caring, overflowing with emotion. I choked, tears brimming in my eyes.

"I missed you too." I said. She lifted a hand to my cheek and wiped away a stray tear.

But we were on our way to a big parade and people were bustling past us, in a rush to get there. Someone knocked her and she was pushed back, the crowd swallowing her. I couldn't see her anymore. I called and called for her, searching for hours, tears streaming down my face, but I lost her. It has been thousands of years and I still have not found her. She is still in my mind though, all the time, invading every thought. I may see her again in the future, or I may not and that was the only time we will ever meet. I do not know, but the one thing I do know is that we had an eternity in a moment.

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