Before Knowing

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"Mist and cold night walking close to the graves! Walking next to the unwanted lives. Their sorrow gives me life, tonight. While blood moon gives me the hounds I want. The hounds that will kill whoever seen them! Let me be their leader for this one night." The moon turns a deep blood lust red. Glaring down to the earth surface, making the graves disappear as the mist threaded around them. A skewering gang of growls came out of the silence with glowing bright red eyes following soon after. Clara stood in fear, but didn't move as she stood still. As a slight smile shown upon her pale face that shown her almost like a ghost in the light dim. As the shadowed hounds approached her, gleaming their sharpened fangs. Then a rush of excitement throw her body, that started to make her uncontrollably laugh to the sky as her eye shinned a deep violet red.

************ The next morning*************

Clara awoken in a cold sweat with a deep shiver that flowed through her body lurching her up. Slamming her fist on the snarling monster that awakened her. The alarm silenced just to hear the roaring wild cat fighting downstairs. Sighing Clara turned her speakers on and up to drown them out, while she was getting ready. Quickly putting on a old Black Veil Brides T-shirt and some old tattered ripped blue jeans. She hummed along with the song that was bursting out, looking over at the clock just to see she was going to be late for school. Her eyes widened and darted out of her room hearing again the cat fight downstairs. Quietly walking down stairs passing the kitchen door hoping that she wasn't noticed by hear parents. She slipped her pitch black Vans on. Clara got up to walk out just to hear her father yell her name. She slowly turned around to see her father standing in the kitchen door way.

"What are you still doing here Clara!? You should be already at school!" He yelled almost screaming.

She looked down at her feet, trying not to make eye contact to him. "I-i'm sorry, I-i just woke up late... I'm going now...." She stuttered, rubbing her left arm.

He stomped over and struck on her pale cheeks " Your useless! Why can't you be perfect like your dead sister Heaven!?" He yelled loader at her then was shoved her out the door. Hearing the door slam behind her, she started to cry. From hearing her dead sister crushed her, every since she died their father has blamed her for it. She was only five years old when she lost her. Clara started walking the direction of the school so her father thought she was going. While walking flashes of memories going through her brain. Things of her sister laughing, playing with her, smiling, and her hazel close to being grey eyes. Then what happened to them.

*******Flash back*******

A man broke into the house with a gun, while her and Heaven was playing up stair. Hearing a loud crash downstairs her sister quickly ran downstairs to see what broke. Clara just waited for her to hear a loud scream and a ear ringing bang. She heard foot steps draw its self up the stairs and get closer to the room she was in. "Come on out, you can't hide for long" in a husky voice. As he got to the door, sirens were in the distance.

The man growled at it. He walked away from the door and down the steps. She heard that man say "I'll come back for you little one." before he ran out the backdoor. Clara sat there in a daze trying to clear her mind. She jumped hearing the door slam open and a yelling police man. She ran downstairs in tears grabbing on to the man's uniform. The police man bending down and picked her up trying to take her out the house. Clara kicked and screamed wanting to see Heaven when she looked over the man shoulder. To see her lying on the floor in her own blood. Clara froze at the site, bared her face in the man's shoulder and deeply cried.

*****End of flash back*******

She stood in front of the school's entries. Hearing laughter and footsteps behind her, she jumped ran off from the school. Going straight in to the near by forest hiding behind a tree starring looking out to see who it was. Just to her surprise it was the principal on the phone walking into the school. Clara let out a huge sigh of relief, knowing that it wasn't someone else. As she sat there alone 'what am I doing' she thought to herself. She started wondering why she's still here or even alive. Living in her own hell she just couldn't take it anymore. All the people blaming her to everyone making fun of her. As tears ran down her face the school bell rang from home room.

Quickly she ran in the building to her locker, while she tried to get in. A well known voice flowed behind her unlocked locker door. "Well well well, looks like the little murder decided to came to school today after all." it was Secret one of the poplars that been teasing her since day one. just for Clara to ignore her, slamming her locker closed then wondering off. Stumbling into class just as the bell ranged she sat down next to James. "So Clar what p" he pointed under one of his eye noticing that she's been crying. James is her only friend sticking by her side. Hearing rumor to hurtful joke there is. Clara was happy to have him, he was like a bully guard every time someone would try to hurt her he wasn't scared to break their nose. "Oh you know, my dad yelling at me because of Heaven.." James just sighs. As Mr. Dush walks in slamming their days homework down onto his desk. "Like normal all of you can not write for the life of you! But only one actually listened to what i have to say for you to pass this easement." He didn't say who it was even though he seemed like the man to do so. He was a lay-ed off army guy for being to ruff with his troupe and knew to keep quiet when he needed to.

After the hearing lecher it was lunch, Clara was normally the last one out as Mr.Dush for some reason always wanted to talk to her. James normally waited in the hall listening very closely to the conversion. She came out sighing with relief walking out then looking at James. "so why did he want to talk to you this time?" He started walking with her to the lunch hall. All she did was shrugs " The usual..." James shook in head "He's a creep". Agreeing with him looking up at him, to have eye contact looking into his ocean blue eyes. Clara looks away shacking her head "i know... Oh I had a weird dream last night". "Really?" James stooped at the doors of the lunch hall. She nods "its was me I'm in a graveyard with the moon was red and for me to be chanting something. Then these dogs came out of this black fog. You know like Hell Hounds, but they didn't attack me at all they where waiting for me to do something,". James laughed at the thought of hell hounds obeying her " are you sure you didn't get high or something?"

"Not funny, the thing is that it felt real." she thinks about the thought how ridiculous she's sounding. "really then it must been hell of a dream for you to feel that way" He just gave Clara a smile opening the doors. She smiled back at him "i hope it just a dream.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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