The Painted Lady and The Blue Spirit. (A Zutara FanFic)

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"Urgh! I'm never going to get this right, uncle!" my voice carried over the hills surrounding us, angrily stomping past the old man. I drop my hands to my sides, so fast it creates a string of fire and retreat to my room in the rundown shack that was placed stupidly in the middle of nowhere.

I march across the hall to my bedroom, taking care not to burn anything on the way with my flaming hands. Never had I been so aggravated and frustrated.

Entering my room, I kick the side table, shattering it to a million pieces, then collapse on my bed. "Why do we have to even live in this stupid shack? I am Prince Zuko, son of Ozi and rightful heir to the thrown. I shouldn't have to work. I have -had- servants for that." I mutter. "I should be out there, capturing the avatar. Instead I'm in the middle of nowhere, sulking."

We'd been hiding out for months now, banished from our homeland, the Fire Nation.

Uncle Irho had been teaching me how to redirect lightning, again.

I failed, again.

So I stormed off, again.

These past weeks had been tough, the past years had been tougher.

I let out an exhausted sigh, relaxing my dragon breath.

Closing my eyes, I imagine her. The girl with the blue eyes, brown hair.

But that's all I ever see of her. She visits my dreams every night, taunting me to come closer, her hair wiping past her face, covering every feature but her beautiful blue eyes. As I reach my hand to touch her skin, a wave of shimmering blue water engulfs my body, dragging me further and further away from my dream lady.

I can never forget that dream, feeling helpless and defenseless, unable to use my firebending.

My train of thought is interrupted when there's a knock at the door.

"Zuko?" says a kind voice. "I have dinner."

Dinner? I sit up in alarm and glance out the window.

It was pitch black.

We were training at 2pm, it cant be time for dinner. I only closed my eyes for a couple minutes, hadn't I?

"I can leave it on the table-" he looks to the mangled bits of wood on the ground, "-on the floor if you want."

No thank you, I'm not hungry. I wanted to say, but the kindness in his face overtook my thought. He'd always helped me find myself, the light when I couldn't see the way. He's my father, not the firelord.

"Thank you, Uncle." I give him a halfhearted smile.

He bows his head like I still mean something to the world and places it carefully onto the ground.

When I'm certain he's out of earshot, I bounce up from my place and hit the floor boards. The items under my bed included old plates, clothes, rubbish and my secret box.

I slowly slide the box out of its terrible hiding place and lay it firmly on the bed. Opening the lid always takes my breath away. Inside, lies my Blue Spirt mask and suit. I feel a smile tugging on my lips.

Why is it that every time I put this on, it sends chills up my spine? I ask myself.

It was a little strange to go around town in a mask, searching for the avatar. But there was no town here, only a little one in the middle of a Lake a while down. Which I plan to pay a visit to.

After wrapping my clothes around me and readying my weapons, I place the mask over my face, hiding my scar. I cross the robins into a tight knot and scrabble out the window like there's not enough time in the world.

I guess I just need to get away from the shack for a while. Although I've been saying that about life lately...

I climb to the highest hill that drops down into the low surface below, about a 15m fall.

"Piece of cake," I smirk and lung to the ground. Before I hit the hard surface and kill myself, I punch the air beneath me, sending a roaring tongue of fire beating down on whatever lies beneath it, making the impact of the fall less brutal. Landing gracefully on my two feet, feeling pretty proud of myself by brushing my shoulder off, I close the distance between myself and the a thick body of trees.

For I while I just walk in the density of the forest that surrounds me, listening to the calm and peaceful sound of nature.

About ten minutes pass and a clearing comes into view, along with the lake and town.

It wasn't the richest or biggest town I've robbed, but it's the most population I've seen in a while, that's enough for me.

I stare at the moon reflecting in the lake. No matter how dirty or cloudy the water is, the moon will always reflect its glowing circle down to earth, softly rippling. That's why I love the moon... And secretly jealous of waterbenders. They're alive and magnificent and beautiful. Just like my dream girl. I blush inwardly.

Weak, I think to myself. You've gotten soft, Zuko.

The clearing consists of grass and small bushes and around it are high drops, containing whatever hides around the corner, perfect for prying eyes. But me being my stubborn self, dashed across the muddy earth with light footsteps, ignoring my creeping suspicion of an ambush.

When I'm about three quarters of the way towards the lake, my mask still covering my face, a black figure dashes past the opening, only revealing it momentarily.

Out of instinct, I throw myself behind a bush, probably injuring my arm as I let out a silent groan. My eyes peek through the pointy leaves of the shrub and peer out into the opening again.

I guess the figure saw me too, because it walks back into the clearing, probably checking to see who he just saw.

I can hear his footsteps.

This guy's an idiot for coming back. A little chuckle escapes my mouth.

The man runs towards the bush I hide behind, but when he approaches the 2m line separating me from him, I realize it's not a man, but a lady.

I pop up, giving the misery girl a fright.

She was wearing a long, dark dress with puffy sleeves that exposed the shoulders and came to a hood that was pulled over her face. The cloak she wore poured out around her feet onto the ground in beautiful, graceful swirls. In the middle of her breasts (Do not ask me why I was looking there!) lay a shell-type-looking-thing that seemed to be holding the entire outfit together. Her face and shoulders where striped with red, the exact color of blood, and on her head she wore a large hat with clear material hanging down to her waist.

She kept her head down, "I don't want any trouble."

I smiled behind my mask, "Funny, 'coz that's exactly what I'm looking for." I step around the bush, "And I think I just found it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2012 ⏰

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