Part 1

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He sat at his desk, waiting for the bell to ring so the dreaded day would begin. Oh, how he hated it. The weeks went by fast, though the days went by slow. No, he didnt have much to do but it was better than spending his days in this god awful school. Though no one talked to him, the kids always managed to give him a giant migraine. Unfortunately, theyre not the only things that give him headaches.

You see, our character, Aria, was diagnosed with psychosis in 7th grade (four years ago).

But shes real! Aria argued. Aria, I know she seems real to you but mental illnesses can cause you to see and hear things that are not there. Its called psychosis-- Its not psychosis! He cut his psychiatrist off. Shes real. Im telling you she is real! She torments me day in and day out. When Im not looking at her, she whispers horrid things into my ears, telling me how worthless I am. Saying that my family is better off without me. When I ignore her, she starts throwing things at me. She almost gouged out my eye with the scissors in my math class! But...when shes quiet, its even worse. She just stands there. I cant see her eyes but I can tell that shes watching me.

The memory was still fresh, it angered him knowing that no one believed him. Even though that was years ago, she still follows him. It was like wearing a noose of sausages around your neck with a murderous wolf creeping up behind you. Terrifying, isnt it?

She was tall, with a sickly frame. Her skin was made up of shadows and her long, black hair fell over her face and shoulders. Her voice was petrifying, it was a mixture of multiple souls screaming in pain; ghastly enough to make your ears bleed. She was the embodiment of fear itself.

He sat at his desk, sketching a picture of his best friend, Lave. He was Arias favorite thing to draw considering his blonde hair attracted the sunlight and his bright blue eyes held the wonders of the sky. If he found out She whispered, He would leave you. Just like everyone else. Aria cringed when he heard her voice. Hes not gonna find out. Leave me alone. He whispered back. Her words kept playing in his head though. He could never allow Lave to see what he thought of him.

The bell rang, Aria closed his notebook and put it back in his grungy looking backpack. Your bag looks disgusting. She hissed. Hey you two have something in common! He smiled sarcastically. Who are you talking to? Lave asked as he entered the class. Nothing, just talking to myself I guess. Aria sighed. Oh. Are you okay, man? You seem a little more down than usual. Yeah, I just need to get rid of this bag. Aria glared at her, Lave cocked an eyebrow, not knowing what Aria was looking at. Okay.. Well, if you need to talk, Im here for you. Lave patted Arias shoulder. Thanks. Aria mumbled, walking out and to his next class.

Seven hours passed.. Aria headed to his car, the dark blue convertible. He sat his bag in the back seat before getting in. He turned the car on the pressed the button that folds back the roof of the car. He looked around, to his surprise she wasnt anywhere insight. Maybe shes done for the day. He mumbled before backing out and driving away from the school.

Like always he decided to take the back way home, unfortunately so did other people. He soon came across a four way intersection, the other street had a stop sign though his didnt so kept going the same speed of 35mph. When he approached the intersection, she appeared in the middle of the road which caused Aria to jump and slam on his brakes, the car behind him rammed into him. He kept his hands on the wheel, his eyes widened and his heart beating rapidly. The man behind him got out of his car and ran over to Aria. Kid, are you okay? To Arias relief, the man wasnt angry but more concerned for Aria. Yeah...I-I just spazzed out for a second. Im so sorry. Are you okay? Yeah, it scared my wife a little but were fine. Aria got out of the car to see the damage. Your bumpers dented a bit but thats about it. The man said. Aria sighed. Thats...thats okay. A small dent isnt gonna hurt anything. The man nodded. Listen kid, just get home safe. Okay? Okay, thank you. They both got back into their cars and Aria drove home, still panicked about what she did.

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