The End?

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The funeral happened at 2 pm and it was a quiet and sad occasion. Although the church was packed and there were laughs as riddler told them the first time he had met Wade and how Wade had made him feel like family instead of the villain all Harley could do was smile; her husband was at peace and he was living or not living the way he wanted. He was at peace and he wasn't going to have to worry about being yanked back to the hell hole of a life he said he had. It was all over and she was okay and happily in love with the idea. She hadn't thought of Joker and at this point that was all their relationship was, a cruel mean kid with a magnifying glass Joke, and she was glad it was over. After the funeral, everyone had said their condolences and asked if she wanted them to stay with her as she watched the onyx and ruby coffin be buried into the ground a 100,000 dollar beauty go peacefully just like she wanted. She sat and waited through the whole 4-hour process of them burying him and placing his onyx and marble headstone that read:

She placed the red roses she had been holding the whole time at the headstone and kneeled in her black dress in the snow. "I told myself today that I was not going to cry for you. I told myself that We are forever even if we aren't. I told myself that what I did was right, but Damnit wade it's been seventy-two hours and I MISS YOU! I needed you a lot more than I thought I did and all I wanted was to tell you how much I needed for you to be in my life. How much you changed it and instead I kill you. I know that you had been waiting for so long that I didn't even bother thinking about me. This was the most selfish selfless thing I have ever done. I hate myself for letting you go but I am proud I did. Before you, I used to be so dependent on men, one in particular but you made me feel brave. I pray for your safety to where ever you are going and whatever you do I want you to know I cherish you forever and for always... I know if you were beside me you would probably make some sick j0ke about being warm food and I would punch you and laugh. But I am going to miss our conversations and mind blowing body numbing sex. I can't think of anyone else I want to be with." She kissed the polished stone leaving red lip marks. "Until we see each other again my darling." She looked back only once as she walked away, a widow, a loner, and most of all okay.

She sat at home with the fragrance of mourning flowers wafting. Her window opened and she looked holding a gun. "Oh, it's you."
"You okay?"
"Yeah Ivy's coming to fix tea and let me cry on her shoulder but honestly B-man I don't think I can cry anymore."
Batman coughed. "You'll be alright."
"I'm not going back to the Joker if that's what you were worried about he's not as great as you seem to think."
"I was sure you weren't going back. It would break Wade's undying love to you and I know you don't want to do that."
"So why are you here?"
"I heard Wade got you reinstated as a doctor."
"And I'm being quite successful."
"So I've heard."
"What's a matter with you? You look like you're not doin' too hot."
"I've decided that you're the only one who can deal with crazy like we see every day."
"I don't know about everyone but I know the gist of who you deal with every day."
"Listen the JLA needs a head shrink."
"You mean you want me to work for the JLA? You wanted to put me in prison a month ago."
"Yes but now I need you to work with us. You'll know the SI of everyone and their abilities you'll know a whole arsenal and I only trust you won't use it against us."
"I have no reason to."
"I'll let you grieve and think it over, but-"
"No need to think B-man. I'll do it."

Wade walked to the gates of his after life worrying still about Harley how he missed her and even though Death had given him her for eternity. He couldn't help but think of what she was doing if she was alright and if she needed him. He thought about everything he would no longer after he walked into those golden gates.
"Are you ready for your ever after darling?"
"Couldn't be more ready babe."
She took his hand and smiled kissing him deeply and waited for the gates to open to where she was taken him. Quickly he realized where he was. He was in his life before he left "I'm home?"
"Welcome to Forever after Gotham Wade Wilson. The only afterlife that seemed to suit you."
Excitment overwhelemed him. Every wish every hope every dream that he had for them could happen and it could last forever.

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