Go beyond what is humanly possible

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Dark and Issei charged for each other at insane speeds that even Rias could barely keep up with it. They both met fist to fist. Dark then jumped back and said" Nice you can match this strength but can you deal with this." As Dark was about to charge at Issei something went through his mind.Dark started to say with out thought" I summon the power of the Dark Dragon called Thunder. I summon his mighty blade Thunder Smasher." As Dark said that dark storm clouds came circling around him. Issei just looked in amazement but he was a little bit scared because he could see that Dark Lightning wasn't in control of his body. Issei charged straight at him to try and stop what ever was coming. As Issei got closer he was knocked away by pure black lightning. 

Rias, that has been watching this whole time, was in shock the way Dark easily just knocked Issei away like he was nothing . Rias said, "Issei what are you doing, you are in balance breaker aren't you?" Issei didn't respond, in fact he didn't even move after he was struck with the pure black lightning. All of Rias's peerage ran over to were Issei was. Asia started to heal him will the rest just looked at Dark Lightning. Rias remembered when Issei went juggernaut drive but she couldn't think why he would have this kind of reaction from a little sparing match. Dark reached out his hand and as he did a beam of pure black lightning came down and struck himself. As he did that all they could hear was a very deep dragon type roar coming from Dark or from the armor he was wearing.

After about a minute the roar finally stopped and as it did half of the pure black beam became a darkish yellow color. They could finally hear Dark Lightning's voice and he said" Rias get out of here I don;t know how much longer I can hold him from coming to earth he got here faster than what I thought. If he does come please try to keep every one safe." And as he said that Rias said" Dark what are you talking about." Dark said " That oath I said it summon the Dark Dragon that this suit was made from you need to get everyone in this area out quickly or they will be killed." Rias said" But Dark I can't just leave you here alone to fight that thing." Dark said"Rias please just get everyone out of here and if you can leave Issei here I will need his help" Issei finally got up and said" So Dark Lightning is really that guy that showed up that one day interesting so what do you need me to do but you do know that we are going to have a little talk after this right."Dark just grinned and said" Of course but we will need to have our spar first." Both Dark and Issei both smirked. Rias said" Very well Dark but all I have to say to you is don't die and don't let Issei die." Dark said" I promise I will make sure your servant will make it out alive." Rias said" And you too don't die." Dark just looked at her and gave a little smirk. Rias then started to fly away. The beam of black and darkish yellow finally stopped. Once it was done Dark took a knee and was panting really hard. Issei asked " Dark what are we supposed to do here I have now idea what I am supposed to do."

Dark said" Well do you see that giant black ball like thing in the sky." Issei looked up and was shocked at the size of that thing. Issei said " Holy shit are we supposed to take that thing out before it hits the earth?" Dark said " Well that thing is really a Dragon and well he is going to be here in like five hours so we have some time to think of a plan or we can train." Issei said" How can we train when we have about five hours that is not enough time to get much in." Dark said" Well I can see if my suit could slow down time so that we could train." Issei said " Your suit could really do that." Dark said " Well it can freeze time so I think it can slow down time too. I will be right back and don't mess with me when I am doing this or you might just kill yourself." Issei just looked at Dark and gulped nervelessly because we was scared of what might happened. Dark deactivated his armor and sat down. Dark then closed his eyes and crossed his legs.

Inside of Dark's head 

 Dark was seating in darkness until a man with darkish yellow colored hair walked up to him. Dark then studded up and said" Suit do you think could you slow down..." Dark was cut off as the man said" You want me to slow down time so you and the red one can train to defeat Dark Thunder am I correct." Dark just looked at the man in amazement that the suit knew what he was going to ask. Dark then said" Um how did you know what I was going to say." The man said" Have you forgotten that we are true partners that means I always know what you are going to say before you say it and yes I can slow down time for you." Dark said" You can and how much time will go by when time is slowed down." The man said" For  ever hour it will seem like a year so you have four and a haft years to train till he gets here." Dark said" That should be enough for us to get stronger and thanks for this Suit." The suit said" No problem and just hurry and defeat him ok." Dark said"OK." The next thing Dark noticed the man disappeared.

In reality    

Dark woke up and time had slowed down.

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