Chapter 4

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~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

You wake up to see that you are laying in your bed, and in a pair of shorts and a hoodie on. You are confused for a second, then remember the events of the night before, and realize Brendon probably carried you here, and put you in your pajamas. You grab your crutches and go to the kitchen, which was on the other side of the house, downstairs. This is potentially problematic. After about ten minuets of struggling, you made it downstairs, and to the kitchen, only to see that it is empty. You frown a bit, not knowing where he would be. The kitchen smells of bacon and eggs, so you can imagine he cooked and took his food somewhere.

" Morning sleepy head." You hear from behind you, causing you to jump a bit.

" You scared me!"

" That was the intention kiddo. So since its a Saturday, whatcha up to?"

" Well, my plan was to go for a jog, but then the accident happened, so now I think Ima stay inside, maybe watch some movies, Im not sure."

" Hmm, up for going on a mini trip?"

" You know we can't really do much because A. Im on crutches, B. people from school might see us."

" I was actually thinking of going on a drive to the Grand Canyons."

" Thats a bit of a drive don't ya think?"

" Yea, but its early in the morning, we can just get a hotel overnight, come back tomorrow?"

"Ok, sure, let me go pack." You say, beginning your trip back to your room. Once there, you get your clothes packed, and all of your electronic devices and their chargers. You call Brendon into your room to grab your suitcase, and you set off.

" Did you happen to ask my mom and dad about kidnapping me for a weekend?" You ask once you were settled in in Brendon's car. "Speak of the devil." You say as your mom starts calling you.

" Hey mom!"

" Hey hun, how are you?"

" Given the circumstance, Im good!"

" Thats cool, so what are you up too?"

" Well, so you know how Mr.Urie said he would watch over me, he felt bad for me being hurt, so we are on our way to the Grand Canyon!"

" Sweetie, good for you, but Im not sure if Im comfortable with you being away with him like that."

"Why? He's staying at our house, he's still gonna watch over me."

"I know, but it seems a bit odd that you are going on a vacation with a teacher."

" Its fine mom, we are basically dat- friends, we are pretty much friends." You almost said you were basically dating your teacher, you continue on with the conversation, hoping that she didn't notice your mistake in words.

~~~~~Natalies P.O.V. (your mom)~~~~~

" Hey Manny (your dad) can you come here, we need to talk." I call to husband, who is currently sitting on the bed of our house in France, reading a newspaper.

" Yea whats going on?"

" Im worried about the relationship between Y/N and her teacher Brendon, the one we asked to stay with her, he was the one who took her to the ER."

" Whats there to be worried about?"

" They are going on a trip to the Grand Canyon, she told me Brendon felt bad for her being hurt, so he is taking her on a trip."

" Thats sweet of him."

" Its nice, but when she told me, it sounded like she said they were basically dating, well, she didn't say it exactly, but I think she was gonna say it, instead she said they were friends."

" Trust her Nat, if she is getting into a serious relationship with this boy, let her do it."

" Yes! But its her teacher!"

" Yes! But trust her! It will be fine, and maybe they are just friends, he's been her teacher since what, 6th grade? Thats 7ish years!"

" Fine, but don't say I didn't tell you I told you so. Something is going on between the two."

Love At Your Own Risk  B.U.  (Student x Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now