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Cold darkness. Rustling of leaves in the night air. Tall trees towered above me, as I sat, restrained, at the base of a large oak tree. My vision was hazy a sharp pain pulsing through my head. Rough rope was pulled tight across my wrists, and another set at my ankles, preventing me from any sort of movement.

Silence. The only sound was the wind intertwining it's way through the trees, the leaves rustling on command. Then suddenly crows began to screech. The wind picked up adding to the desperate cries of the crows. All together is was as loud as a hundred thunderstorms put together.

My heart rate began to pick up, as I started the pointless struggle against the restrains. Thoughts rapidly running trough my head like a typewriter, as I thrashed about the pain in my head became too much, white blotches began to overtake my vision. I tried to calm my breathing, my vision returning slightly. Exhausted, I let my head hang, looking at my bare feet that now had cuts and bruises littered across them.

The noise began to subside, but that only made my fear levels raise higher. For, the sound was replaced by a pair of feet. Panic over took, as I began to shake slowly lifting my head to see what fate awaited me.

Tall and slim, the figure had dark clothes hiding its body, face as well. He stood before me, his presence dark as the lone shadow that follows you at the darkest hours of the night. His head began to move, looking around the area, and then at me. He could see me, I couldn't see him. Slyly, he began to move around me, circling me like a predator does to it's prey before it strikes.

"Don't be afraid sweetheart." A male voice, but it sounded young, like a teenager. The boy crouched down putting his mouth next to my ear. "Why do you look so scared beautiful?" He asked sarcastically. I moved my head to the side in attempt to get away from him, my long blonde hair falling in my face. In a swift motion he was facing me, pulling at my the rope around my wrists, wanting me to look at him.

Tears began to roll down my checks, letting out all the emotion I had been holding back. Forming in the one thing he desires most. Fear.

"Lucy." He called out my name in a childish way, teasing, making me fear him more. "Talk to me love." Moving my hair away from my face with his large hands.

"What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth.

"What do I want?" He laughed out, the boy stood up turning his back to me.

I watched closely, as he reached up and moved the black hood away from his face. Now I could see he had light brown hair, short at the sides but long and shaggy on top. Slowly the young boy turned around, a smirk plastered on his face. My heart sank. Theo.

"I want you." His ice blue eyes looking into mine, whilst his pearl white teeth flashed a twisted smile, screaming at me that he was crazy and evil. "I want your power, Lucy."

I shuddered in fear, as Theo and his evil self came closer to me once again. Theo grabbed the restrains holding my hands together, making me wince in pain. "No one is coming to get you this time." He warned, letting out a low chuckle. "No Tyler, no Issac, no Malia but worst of all," he grabbed my chin forcing me to look at his perfect features. "No Dylan."

Tears trickled down my pale cheeks, as Theo grinned, pleased with himself. "Don't cry, it won't be this bad all the time. It will get better." This time his eyes felt warmer, comforting.

This isn't the real him, I told myself, thinking of all the other times I've fallen for this trick of his. Theo was the perfect example of a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

"This isn't you." I spoke out loud, glaring at Theo. The taller boy stood up standing back. That same smirk still on his flawless face which hid the devil within.

"Your not getting out Lucy." He spoke, his voice laced with power. "What are you going to do about that, huh? His mesmerising laugh escaping his mouth.

The wheels within my mind were spinning, thinking how could I get out of this situation once again. Theo looked down at me, I was struggling against my restrains whilst battling with my mind to form a plan to escape.

"Come on Lucy, do what you do best." Theo prompted, causing my body to stop moving and mind to stop thinking.


So I screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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