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You Have A Strange Name

Echo Guramie was born on the 13th of July, X288.

As suggested by the date, she was born into this world hundreds of years before us, though, despite the time to us being assumably the third century or there abouts, the time period she grew up in was very sophisticated, rather modern, with somewhat thriving technology. Somewhere along the way we humans slipped up and fell into the lives we live today.

But this is pointless information.

What we want to focus on is a young girl, no taller than your hip, with strangely enough, purple hair.

  Year X293 | Five Years Later

"Hey, mummy!" The 7 year old purplette cried, smiling radiantly. "Look what I've made!" Echo held up a small sheet of binded cloth with a sloppy drawing of four people drawn on it - Echo wasn't really much of a drawer, but her mother found it adorable anyway.

She chuckled and smiled warmly at her young daughter. "It's amazing, Echo! How talented you are!" Her mother laughed, taking the cloth gently in her hands, though Echo's small one's still held most of it. "Why don't you go show your dad? He's out the back - I'm sure he'll love it, sweetie!"

"Sure will, mummy!" Echo beamed, full of energy, and ran out of the little country cottage her family lived in. Her mother smiled and turned back to Echo's 5 year old sister, Zero, who was trying to paint a picture using wild berries. She had refused to use actual paint for unknown reasons, making a mess of the table with the thin, paint like concoction the mother had put together, expertly done.

"Oh, Zero. Look at the mess you've made. Tut tut." The mother smiled, shaking her head at the floor. As she stepped out of the chair and walked over to the kitchen clothe (to clean up the mess of the wild berries substance), she gave a hearty laugh at her youngest daughter. She had placed her hand on her mothers, 'guiding' her hand around the table.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look what I've made!" Echo shouted, finding her father who was rumaging around in the bushes with some kind of tool in his hand. Plastered across her face was a smile so big it almost seemed fake. Her eyes crinkled in the corners and, while her eyes were shut tight, you could simply just tell that her eyes would dazzle in the sunlight.

"Hello, sweetheart. What can I do for you?" The father asked kindly, stepping out from the bushes, though practically jumping over them - some of them were filled with thorns, and he didn't necessarily want to be pricked by one of them. He knelt down to Echo's height, smiling.

"Look! Here's me, mummy, Zero and you, daddy." Echo smiled, pointing to the individual people she had drawn. He looked down adoringly, examining his daughter's artwork. In return he gave a hearty chuckle, patting her on the shoulder.

"How talented you are, Echo! But right now, daddy is trying to remove these thorny bushes, so you might want to stay back." He spoke. The young purple haired girl only nodded, before taking a slow skip back towards her home, perhaps to lovingly bother her mother once more.

What a normal, countryside family.

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