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The keepers of the house were in their daily routine, ensuring that their home was clean. Even with their Master gone, they always had high hopes that he would come back some day, whether it be tomorrow, a week from now, or even years. If he did come back, they wanted him to find his home as left it. Even if he did tell them to burn it.

They knew the master, and so they knew their duties well. How to keep it tidy, and how to protect it as well. Including the visitors that it may hold, it was their job to keep them safe within the walls of 'his' home. Still, old friends of the Master would come to see his home. The memories were good, or rather most of them were anyway. Even with a few bad memories, or even hurtful ones, they were all worth it. It was worth every emotion felt, for it was the one thing that kept one of his most regular guests in check. It kept her going, even if it did not look it.

The young lady had blonde, golden hair that flowed down her back in waves. She no longer had her hair in high pigtails on her head. Her green eyes searched the home for the memories she had of her late betrothed, and she missed him. Looking into every room, she welcomes each memory, even the bad.


That night she stood in his room staring out the window. Praying that he would find his way back to her. She knew that he wasn't dead. Deep down she knew, she didn't know how or why, she just knew; somewhere deep within her soul, she knew he was alive. It was like a small voice deep within her soul. So every few months for the past six years, she has come to his home.

The keepers of the house knew not to disturb the lady, especially when she was in 'his' room. Unless of course there was an emergency. Once or twice before they did have to go in and bring her back to reality as they found her crying hysterically on the floor near the window. Tonight was different, though. Everything seemed....still, too still, almost dull. It was a gloomy night, even with the full moon high in the night sky and the star shining brightly. Her eyes stayed staring out the window as if some sort of miracle would happen if she never took her eyes away. She couldn't help but feel closer to him as she looked outside. That is also where her most favorable memories lie. When he used to smile, though even the memory when he had returned after the death of his parents. When he seemed soulless, dull, lost, and just gone. 'He had come back them so why not now!' She thought as she shut her eyes tightly and let a tear roll down her porcelain cheeks. As she turned around to lay down on his bed, the door to his room opened and she felt herself go numb.

His Emerald LadyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang