:Chapter One:

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                           "I'm going to miss you, [Y/N]." Your mother said as you had your bags packed to head out the door. "I'll miss you too mom, please take care of Bailey for me." you replied. "Text

 me when you get there, sweetie. Alright?" Your mom said putting her hand on your shoulder. You nodded and hoisted the large bag onto your hip and one-arm hugged your mom.

          You let go and started to walk out the door. You looked back and waved. "Bye mom!" You step towards the awaiting Taxi and open the door. You inhale deep and slow, then clamber inside of it. Then you closed the door and sat back in your seat, feeling the harsh fibers against your skin. 

                                             [After a rough car ride]

                You finally stumble out of the Taxi and look up at the apartment complex, it wasn't perfect, that's for sure. "...Huh.." You pay the man in the car and thank him, he smiled and drove off. You walk inside and check in. Afterwards you clench the key in your hand and walk to your room. It was......ugh. Part of the ceiling was cracked and stained, and you swore you saw a roach in the corner. But besides that, you were positive you'd enjoy this place. You put your stuff down and look in the kitchen, and saw the refrigerator. It looked like author-chan's fridge from the 70's. You then shrugged and explored the rest of the place, there were a few red flags, but nothing too bad. You pulled out your phone and messaged your mom. 'Mom, I'm here!'...5 minutes later, no response. Ah, well. She's probably sleeping. You chuckled and put your phone on the table.

                                                                            End of chapter 1, will be continued. But I'm sleepy..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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