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Serena was looking out from the deck of the SS Tidal on her way to Hoenn, staring into the clear blue ocean. After her amazing adventures in Kalos, she was intrigued to see what was in store for her in Hoenn. She was Moving On. her deep thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice over the ship's speaker. "Hello, and welcome to the SS Tidal. We are nearly at Slateport harbor; be sure to be ready to depart off the ship." Serena nodded to herself and walked to her cabin to grab her things. when she got in her room, she opened all three of her pokeballs. "Pan-Cham!" "Braixen-Braix!" "SylveONN!" Her three kind pokemon ran up to her while talking and cuddles her legs, and in Braixen's case, her whole body. "Ok, ok. So, guys. We are nearly at Hoenn, and I just wanted you to know, that I will never leave your side-" Again, she was interrupted. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now here at Slateport city in the oceanic Hoenn region." Everyone gasped. "Let all of your pokemon out of your pokeballs for inspection, and head down to level 2 to depart." Rushing outside to see Hoenn in all of its glory, she nearly forgot to grab her things. "Oops!"

After Serena hopped off the ship eagerly with her companions, she got handed a small map by a lady in uniform, who then jogged over to another tourist to give out more maps. "Thanks!" The curious girl ran down the stairs to the exit of the dock, and opened the door dramatically. It was marvellous. She saw Wingulls and a Pepplier soaring through the sky, then looked down to see many beach houses, 2 out of place orange , and a big market. She crept around the red dock to see a small forest, and a blue, modern bulding with a picture of a bike on the billboard on the top. She stepped forward, which escalated into running very soon-to bump into someone. Sitting up, she repeated the word 'sorry' about 30 times to the old man she fell onto who soon cut her off. "That's quite alright. The name's Mr Briney. You can call me by my last name. I'm the main sailor around here, I've been living in a house on the south side of route 104 for a long time." Next, the caring girl introduced herself. "My name's Serena, I'm from Kalos. Smiling, Briney led Serena to the beach house and bought her a lemonade. "So, why have you come to Hoenn?"

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