Guilt falls after violence

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Word count: 998(without admin notes~)

Craig felt really guilty after having hit Tweek Across the face. But, he no longer cared, which was weird to say since he felt horrid.
He walked slowly throughout the town, a cigarette in hand.
He inhaled the toxic smoke, walking towards his house. Although nobody was home, he decided to go anyways.
He wanted peace.
He walked through the door before wondering around aimlessly in his room.
Craig walked over, flopping himself onto the bed and snatched his phone out of his pocket.

>Kenny< Dude. Sometimes I just want to hurt you for being a dick.

>Craig< What the fuck r u talking about?

>Kenny< I know. What you did to Tweek. Youre truly an asshole Tucker. :(

Craig's eyes widened slightly before he stood up, chucking his phone as hard as he could against the wall. He watched it fall, the screen was a mixed black with the coloring. The glass was shattered too. Great.

He honestly didn't care. The only reason he used that phone was to text Tweek, and occasionally Kenny.

He walked over to his dresser, yanking out a pair of clothes. Walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower.
He huffed, stripping his clothes and stepping in..
Craig sighed, old Memories of him and Tweek rushing to his mind.
The shower. Oh how Tweek loved the shower.
Even though it sounded weird, now that he remembers. They always
Did most of their sexual acts in the shower.
Other nights it was the bed, one morning it was in the Kitchen.

He shook his head, Suddenly realizing that he was thinking about Tweek..

~~Next day~~

"You fucking fag!!!" Cartman yelled, slamming Tweek to the ground, laughing as he did so.
Eric turned to Tweek backing him up to the lockers.

>POV change: Tweek<

My back hit the locker with a loud scratching noise from the locker jiggling. I cringed.. I hated that noise.
Panic rose in me as Cartman hovered. He snickered, and my eyes jolted behind him.. But sadly, Stan, Kyle, AND Kenny were gone.
I looked down to the floor, My self esteem crashing.
When a hand grabbed a hard handful of my hair, I screamed.
"Look at me when I talk to you, you fucking spaz." Cartman sneered.
I slapped his arm away, and I tried to run but my feet wouldn't take me anywhere so I just slumped down to the floor.
I wrapped my arms around my knees and rocked slightly, as that fatass still towered over me.
He had reached down and grasped my wrists, attempting to yank me up.
I cried out in pain, probably abit too much.. Causing him to start laughing.
"Ahahahaha- What's wrong Spaz? I barely Touched you!"
Cartman wailed with laughter, before noticing my painful wincing as he still held grasp of my wrists tightly.
I gasped as I saw him smirk..
Oh god.. No.

(POV change)

"What're hiding there Tweek?" Cartman cooed suddenly very affectionately, hoping to find a trail of hickies or some shit but boy was he wrong.
When he yanked up the sleeves, Tweek kicked him away.
Cartman grunted as it did no damage (not enough to where he started crying anyways).
Tweek scrambled to his feet, but before he could run Eric grabbed ahold of his hair again, throwing him back onto the floor.

"You're a fucking freak SPAZ! You do it for attention don't you?!" Cartman yelled, making everyone in the halls crowd around (mostly because tweek was thrown down)

Tweek was now visibly shaking, his sleeves halfway messed up.
"He cuts himself-? Wow.. That's so low." Bebe perked from the crowd, her body halfway behind Clyde and Wendy.
Stan eventually walking over and stood next to Kyle.

Tweek hopelessly looked up at Cartman. He could feel a panic attack severely coming onto him as his temors grew worse.
"You want attention Spaz? You wanna die? We then- looks like I have no otha choice.~" Cartman laughed, launching forward before Kyle could reach his hand out and punch Cartman for his actions.
He yanked Tweek up by the hair, Some of the people in the crowd yelling a few 'Fights!' And 'kick his ass!!'.
His hands wrapped around The poor innocent Blonde's neck.
The Fatass managed to blow some punches to Tweek's face with one hand and choke him with his other.
Tweek spasmed and gasped, letting out choked screams and flinging his feet everywhere.
Before he knew it, his body fell to the floor.
Somebody out in the crowd had plowed Cartman's fat ass down and began to land punches.

Tweek for a moment had hope thinking it was Craig, but surprisingly it was Kenny.

Kenny. Kenny. Kenny fucking McCormick.

He was beyond confused on why Kenny would have his back and come to his rescue.
The crowd scattered at Cartman's screams, not wanting to be apart of the mess.
As Tweek looked up, he seen Craig glance his way and shake his head, walking along with Clyde.

Tweek sighed, tears beginning to flow even more down his cheeks.
He was short of breath, his Hands found themselves holding his neck protectively.
He couldn't believe he was just .. ALMOST KILLED!!

Tweek felt a pair of arms lift him off the ground, helping him stand.
Cartman looked up through bruising eyes and muttered
"I- didn't mean to... Craig put me up to this!!!"
Tweek choked on his inhale of oxygen. C..Craig put him up to it....
It... Just....
That was it.
Tweek broke down, falling to the floor, his knees hitting the cement roughly and he gasped.
He then began to wail shakily.

Kenny, pulled down his hood. He knew Craig was distantly still watching the scene.
"Craig." He raised his voice, "If you come near Tweek, if you plan against him again.. Or even if you try talking to him again... I will KILL you."

Silence set over everybody, except Tweek.

Kenny leaned down, sitting with Tweek. He wiped his tears and held him close, watching as Cartman got his fatass up and hauled ass out the doors crying for him mom.

>>I am severely brain dead for ideas. But I have quite another idea to add to the end.
And I'm excited even though I shouldn't. I suck at writing.

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